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-: fifth year :-


. . .

It seemed that, whilst the beginning of their lesson had been somehow average and ultimately agreeable - Ron had been no more happy with the arrangement of Aviana and Harry sitting around the same low table as Umbridge - but they had gotten in a couple of laughs over topics of made-up dreams and their Snape contents.

And now they were listening to Umbridge slowly reduce Trelawney to a trembling nothing, questioning her heritage and position as a supposed Seer. "But I think - and correct me if I am mistaken - that you are the first in your family since Cassandra to be possessed of second sight?" Umbridge asked, in that same sickly tone that made Aviana want to throw her stupid dream journal at her. 

"These things often skip - er - three generations," Professor Trelawney said.

Professor Umbridge's toad-like smile widened."Of course," she said sweetly, making yet another note on her clipboard. "Well, if you could just predict something for me, then?" 

She looked up inquiringly, still smiling. Professor Trelawney had stiffened as though unable to believe her ears."I don't understand you," said Professor Trelawney,clutching convulsively at the shawl around her scrawny neck. 

"I'd like you to make a prediction for me." Professor Umbridge repeated very clearly, with the enunciation of an adult speaking to a child.

"I don't really think that's how it works." Aviana muttered, although she was leaning forward in her seat to try and hear better. As were majority of the class, although Harry couldn't quite focus on the conversation when she used his knee to steady herself from falling off the mismatched chair. 

"The Inner Eye does not See upon command!" Trelawney replied in scandalized tones.

"I see," Professor Umbridge said softly, making yet anothernote on her clipboard.

 "I - but - but... wait!" Professor Trelawney announced suddenly, in an attempt at her usual ethereal voice, though the mystical effect was somewhat ruined by the way it was shaking with anger. "I... I think I do see something... something that concerns you... Why, I sense something... something dark... some grave peril..."

"Ah - that's usually you." Aviana, too, seemed to notice her grasp on his knee and she squeezed her fingers, teasing him almost. The confidence was obvious. "'Something dark... grave peril'. Missing the attention, Potter?"

"You wish." Harry swallowed.

Professor Trelawney pointed a shaking finger at Professor Umbridge who continued to smile blandly at her, eyebrows raised."I am afraid... I am afraid that you are in grave danger!" Professor Trelawney finished dramatically.

 There was a pause. 

"God, I wish."  Aviana groaned. Not all that quietly, and the entirety of the class turned to look at her before quickly returning to their work as Umbridge turned around, having heard it too. She gave a pointed sniff, before looking back at the teacher.

Professor Umbridge's eyebrows were still raised."Right," she said softly, scribbling on her clipboard once more. "Well, if that's really the best you can do..."

She turned away, leaving Professor Trelawney standing rooted to the spot, her chest heaving. Majority of the class seemed to share the same idea that Trelawney wass a fraud, but loathed Umbridge so much they felt pity for their teacher, until she swooped downon the three of them a few seconds later, that was. "Well?" she said, snapping her long fingers under Harry'snose, uncharacteristically brisk. "Let me see the start you've made on your dream diary, please."  

She then began to interpret Harry's dreams at the top of her voice and completely without the whimsical element that usually took a hold of her. Aviana found it hard to keep her laughter in and instead, she turned up to look at Umbridge behind the Professor and acquired her own sicky tone.

"So, Professor Umbridge... or should one address you as High Inquisitor now?" Aviana asked, in a tone so sweet that it could be mistaken for the woman herself. "Either way, I suppose you're feeling pretty down about hearing your future, right?" 

Umbridge fixated her with a squint-like stare. "I am not much of a skeptic, Miss Rosier." She replied, with the same simpering upset that didn't really quite match her feelings towards the girl.

"Then it's quite hard to judge someone who is." Aviana's head tilted to the side as she looked up at her, unaware of why she was going into defending Professor Trelawney when her own mindset was that of many others; she was not much of a Seer in reality, but could easily pretend she was one hell of one. "Isn't it, Professor? Quite unfair, really. I mean if you don't believe in the prophecy she's given you... then why, I believe that's only your opinion on the subject - and that's not a general view, correct?"

"Miss Rosier, unless you would like to find yourself in detention again, then I believe views of Divination, unless they are your own, are quite unnecessary, correct?" Umbridge, whilst knowing her own power above anyone at the school, even knew then that unless Aviana would show direct rudeness and disrespect, there was nothing much she could do other than threaten it."

"Why - that is an offer I can't quite feel joy upon missing out on." Aviana continued to watch the teacher, seeing the confusion in her eyes. "I'm quite fond of cats, to say the least - and that quill you have? It writes so smoothly, created quite the impression."

The ring of the bell to signal the end of lesson sounded and Aviana's hand snapped the Oracle shut. "Shame, I was quite enjoying that." She stood up. "I suppose I should get going, right? I wouldn't want to miss the beginning of your lesson, would I?" 

Her bag was packed quickly, the teacher standing back as she watched her move, backed by the sound of many others doing the same. Aviana swung her bag over her shouolder. "Harry, Weasley, I'll be seeing you in just a moment. Professor Umbridge, you too. And be careful going down that ladder - it can get quite... slippy." 

And with that, Harry and Ron watched as she climbed down the small trapdoor hole and left the classroom, Umbridge making that god-awful 'hmph' noise before following after her.

"Five sickles if she's rubbed a shit ton of grease on every rung of the ladder?" Ron broke the silence that had fallen between them. Harry just reached and shook his hand.

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