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-: fifth year :-


. . .

A horrible screaming could be heard as soon as Aviana stepped through into her house, and she dropped her cases instantly covering her ears. "What the living fu-" She began to say, but the man she hadn't seen since third year shushed her. 

Remus Lupin stood above her, looking down the dark corridor to the area at the end that seemed to look rather well lit. Shuffling around could be heard, and the screaming continued for a few minutes, before finally subsiding. 

"What in the love of all things holy was that? I did not get my peaceful holiday disrupted for this." Aviana whined, Lupin not looking particularily happy as he lead her down the hallway, where she was greeted by a crowd of people who were no happier to see her than she was to see them. "You have got to be kidding me." Aviana said, eyes wide as she looked between them.

There was practically the entire Weasley family there - well minus Bill, Charlie and Percy but that didn't seem to count. The twins stood up on the stairs, then Ron and Ginny, then Mr and Mrs Weasley - Hermione Granger was there as well. Then finally, someone who Aviana had never expected to see in person. 

"You!" She hissed, pointing at the man who had been depicted on posters all over Hogsmeade and London. "You-"

"Yes, I am the escaped convict." Sirius Black sighed, and Aviana rolled her eyes. 

"Yes I know that, what do you take me for? No, you're that stupid dog that dragged me half way across the path to the Shrieking Shack. My mother killed me for ruining that jacket." Aviana looked less than impressed.

"She killed you? I didn't think I'd ever see an actual ghost outside of Hogwarts." One of the twins said, in mock awe, and Aviana glared at him.

"Apologies." Sirius said dryly and Aviana let out a sigh, taking a moment to look around the hallway. 

"Lovely place you have here." She commmented. "Now can anyone explain to me why on earth did Dumbledore bring me here of all places? I could've been staying with the Malfoys - I would have gotten a far warmer welcome even if I dragged half the mud in Wiltshire in with me."

"Dumbledore will have had his reasons." Mrs Weasley said, and despite Aviana being someone that their family generally disliked, she was now in their care. "Are you hungry, dinner's almost ready." 

"I suppose so." Aviana said, and shifted uncomfortably, feeling everyone's eyes on her. "Yes?" She asked, and nobody seemed to want to answer her. "Fine, don't talk to me then, I wasn't planning on speaking to any of you. Where's my room?"

"Third door on the second floor" Sirius told her, and Aviana was about to pick up her bags and go, when they floated up the stairs. 

"Thanks." She mumbled, before pushing past the Weasleys and climbing up the stairs, counting the doors she passed until she got to the third one, pushing it open.

It wasn't the largest room, and you couldn't even compare it to her bedroom in the Rosier Manor, but it was nicely furnished, even if a little dusty. Her bags sat by the door, and she dragged them over to the foot of the bed, before collapsing down on it. 

She was so confused - why on Earth was she staying with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and the Weasley family of all people. If either of her parents heard about this she would instantly be pulled out of Hogwarts and sent to Beauxbatons - and Dumbledore would recieve several howlers and angry meetings with both her parents. 

Just a few minutes later and a shout could be heard from downstairs. Dinner was ready. Aviana stood up, using the old mirror in the corner to adjust her skirt and jumper, straightening the collar that peeked out of the dark green neckline as best she could.

Sighing, Aviana exited the room, having taken the key out of the inside and locking it, carefully taking off her necklace and sliding it on, tucking it away under her jumper.

It was slightly unnerving, the feeling that Aviana got as she descended down to the kitchen, following the sound of voices as she got there. It was dramatic, but it was like she was like she was facing a den of lions. 

But she would have to face them head on, and keep the Rosier name intact.

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