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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana was ignoring them. Not Harry, nor Ron or even Hermione, although Granger was becoming increasingly more annoying as their homework got more difficult, and would occasionally advise Aviana on what to do, but instead the group of Slytherins sat across the library from them.

They were not doing the same. Every time Harry glanced over, he would see one of them look up, almost nervous, at her as she sat there doing her work with her usual posture and precision, an unreadable look on her face. It was never easy to tell what she was thinking, least of all to her housemates and supposed friends given that half the time she was annoyed with them for something, but this was different. Harry, whilst he was simply unable to misalign himself with Draco, Theodore, Crabbe and Goyle, thought at times he almost had a chance at understanding her, understanding what she was thinking, but he too was confused.

Never had he thought her anxious or uncomfortable, but she kept picking at things and scratching her skin, fiddling with her earrings, the button on her cardigan. He had seen her cry before, once or twice, and this didn't seem like that. Afraid, too, as she spiralled into... well, something - he wasn't exactly the best at understanding what she was feeling, the only emotion recognisable to himself being that awful anger that rose so easily these days - at the thought of how much her life had changed since she arrived at Grimmauld Place and William escaping Azkaban.

He had spent more time with her than ever, even more than when their rooms were hardly even a flight of stairs away from one another in Sirius's house, in the past month, as she continued to distance herself from everyone who she had been, falling into a repetitive path of simply not caring whatsoever about the repercussions of her actions until they came.

The letters to Umbridge - Harry was sure that now Aviana had mentioned them to Umbridge it would be pinned on her - the sitting at Gryffindor table, spending more and more time with him, Ron and Hermione and now the article. An article that named her fully, and labelled her as a 'Death Eater whistle-blower'.

Harry didn't realise he had been staring at her until she stood up abruptly. "Right." She said, and snapped her book closed. "I suppose I've avoided this for long enough." Aviana abandoned their table, stalking down the bookshelf-corridor, crossing the aisle, and pulling out the remaining empty seat at the table which homed the four Slytherins. "What have you got to say then?"

Draco was staring at her, with that sort of weird expression. "I suppose we should be asking you that question." He said finally, folding his arms.

"Why the fuck would I say that? I've kept to myself all day, you're the ones who stalked me all day so you could sit in a corner, mumble to one another and stare at me." Aviana replied. "I notice neither Blaise nor Pansy are sat with you, did they not agree with the harassment."

"We're not harassing you-" Theo began.

"You've been harassing me all year, Theo, don't even start." Aviana interrupted him, her gaze flickered over to Crabbe and Goyle. "Well, I know you two gormless gits neither have the brain capacity or the spine to say something-" the two made incoherent splutters and Draco glared at them as they entirely proved her point, as she looked at Theo once more, "- and I suppose you're only upset because I still won't shag you, so Draco, what have you got to say for yourself."

"Why should I say anything? Going to go and tell Skeeter everything?"

"I seem to remember you were more than happy to chat to Rita last year." Aviana's head tilted. "What, changed your mind now that she's decided to get her life together and not be a slimy piece of shit that does nothing of any worth but pretends like everyone should kiss the ground they walk on?"

"Fine." Draco sniffed. "I'll say something. Are you insane?"

"Most likely, yes, I spent so much time with you that I might as well be."

"Why the hell would you tell Skeeter everything?" Draco glanced around, purposefully glaring over at the table Aviana had once been sat at before lowering his voice. "Before your father got arrested, did he not tell you exactly-"

"Please, I know you've read the article, you don't have to start quoting it." Aviana rolled her eyes. "Yes he did, but then he started murdering Muggles and I thought that just maybe something wasn't right in his head. But I'm sure if your father did the same thing you'd be the same coward you have always been and think he's some kind of god."

"I don't think you of all people can say anything about fathers." Draco scoffed. Aviana stilled.

"What the fuck did you just say, Malfoy?" She asked, her voice a hell of a lot more raised than it had been, and other students amongst them began to muttering and look over. "No - what the fuck did you just say to me?" She repeated.

"What?" Draco blinked. "Dogging the line a little bit, I suppose?" He asked.

"Actually fuck off." Aviana blinked. "Can't handle that Daddy's a Death Eater and-"

"You two." Madam Pince appeared all too suddenly, glaring at them both. "This is a library, and this is not an appropriate noise level! I will have to ask you to leave and take this discussion outside."

"Fine." Aviana stood up. "I would be more than happy to."

And she took a few paces, before turning back. Draco wasn't even out of his chair. "Fucking coward." She spat, and all of a sudden he was up and following her.

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