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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Umbridge's voice was high-pitched and angry, but her face displayed the sort of clarity and glee of a woman glad to see the pair before her. 

It had not been long until a teacher was on scene outside the library, and it just so happened to be Umbridge, who had been a corridor or so away accosting yet another student to examine the contents of their pockets, who had heard the kerfuffle (most likely the sound of a swarm of angry birds chirping and tweeting merrily as they attacked Draco), and appeared in an instance, upon tottering heels. 

"Well?" She looked expectantly between the two, with a look of apt concern when it came to the pock-marked Draco, who stared down at his feet in disgust, and the usually serene and put-together Aviana in the seat next to him. "It is perhaps best for you to explain, Miss Rosier, why you have attacked a defenceless student."

"Well, anyone there would have told you that he was reaching for his own wand. I just stopped him." Aviana shrugged. "As for what I have to say... I am not glad to be back in your ugly office, could use a touch less pink, it's really not your colour, and that you're not the one who should be conducting this interview."

"It is not an interview, Miss Rosier." Umbridge snapped. Clearly the comment on the colour of every little bit of her identity had not come across well. "And how so?" 

"Well, according to the rules, which you seem so happy to push on everyone, including your own, it is head of houses that are assigned to deal with duels between students, not - what is it you're calling yourself now? High Solicitor.. Secretary... something like that, right?" 

"It's High Inquisitor." Draco murmured.

"Oh, I was just so close." Aviana hummed. "Apologies." She added dryly, without even referencing the woman, her gaze instead drifting around the room. "I see a few empty spaces since I was last in here, carving lines into my hands. What happened to your plates, Undersecretary?" 

"Pardon?" Umbridge blinked, glancing around and following her gaze to several specific areas on her walls. "What?" She squeaked, for a moment forgetting exactly where she was.

"You don't think it has anything to do with all that mail you've been receiving lately, do you?" Aviana asked, all innocence. "I can't imagine it's anything nice - seven owls a day now, I've noticed. Poor kitties." 

"What have you done, you insolent girl!" Umbridge rounded on her. "Twenty points from Slytherin and-"

"For what, exactly?" Aviana asked, Umbridge fell silent. "You're not... you don't think... you're accusing me, once again, of something without any evidence whatsoever?" Her head tilted. "First you thought I was a Death Eater and now you're resorting to calling me a petty thief." She shook her head. "Truly, I think you start looking elsewhere." 

"Miss Rosier, I do-"

There was a knock on the door and once again, the woman was interrupted, and upon her stout legs she made her way over to the door, pulling it open to reveal Snape. "Yes, Professor?" She asked.

"I have reason to believe that you have Malfoy and Rosier in here, Professor." Snape drawled. "As I am sure Miss Rosier has informed you, in that annoying way of hers, that it is a Head of House's job to reprimand students if caught breaking the rules and duelling in the corridors?"

"Wasn't a duel." Draco mumbled, but he could hardly be heard.

"Correct again, Professor." Aviana grinned, getting up out of her seat. "I was just telling her that, before she started accusing me of abducting her cat plates, like she accused me of being a Death Eater just a couple weeks ago." She turned to Draco. "Get up, twat." She whispered, kicking the leg of his chair. 

Snape didn't reply to her, instead looking at Umbridge. "I can assure you, Professor. That I shall reprimand the two accordingly." He said. 

Umbridge, seething with rage, did not find the energy to protest as the pair were led out of her office. Draco and Aviana followed behind Snape as he led them down to his own office in the dungeons, where Aviana found herself sat on a chair she had many times before, as Draco slouched in the seat beside her. 

"Mr Malfoy, would you like to explain to me what has happened for you to end up like... this?" Snape asked, gesturing at the state of him. 

"Aviana's gone completely insane and thinks it's apparently a good idea to tell everyone that mine, Theo's, Crabbe's and Goyle's fathers are Death Eaters." Draco replied, not even looking up. "Then, as I was walking away, she attacked me."

"In what way, Mr Malfoy?" 

"She used Levicorpus... then the knockback jinx, then attacked me with birds." 

"I only cast the knockback jinx when you were going for your wand." Aviana replied, crossing her arms. "I will agree that I began the duel, and efficiently ended it, but I only reacted after the initial jinx because you were reaching for your wand." 

"What was your reason for attacking your fellow Slytherin and prefect?" Snape asked. 

Aviana grinned, her head tilted as she looked over at Draco. "What was my reason, Malfoy?" She asked. "What did you try and say earlier, but you just couldn't get the words out?" 

"We all know that William isn't your father, Aviana." 

"Oh, is that right. And who is, exactly?" Aviana asked, her eyes flickering over to Snape, who was steadily watching Draco. 

"Salazar, can't fucking do anything, can you." Draco scoffed, and sat up. "We all know your dad's Sirius Black." 

"And how do you know that, Draco?" Aviana asked. "Who told you? Because as far as I know, as you told me, your father recognised the Animagus form of Black when he was with Harry. How do you know that he's my father, who told you?" 

Draco was still looking pale, his gaze flickered over to Snape, the words teetering on the edge of his tongue and yet he found himself afraid to admit it, despite what he knew. 

"That's enough." Snape decided snappishly. "Twenty-five points from each of you, and Miss Rosier you will be serving detention with me for the next two weeks." 

And that was seemingly that. 

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