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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"Dumbledore sacrificed himself to keep you in school, Harry!" Hermione whispered, raising her textbook to hide her face from Umbridge. Aviana rolled her eyes again. Their Defence Against the Dark Arts had been a constant stream of this, Hermione sat before the pair of them at the front of the classroom with Ron, as Aviana and Harry sat behind her and continuously whispered back to them reasons why they shouldn't talk to Sirius through Umbridge's fireplace.

And as annoying as it was, Aviana was most pleased to hear that everything was directed to Harry. Hermione might be being outrageously annoying in her attempts, but she wasn't trying to tell Aviana no. There was simply nothing that Hermione could say to her that would convince her otherwise, and Aviana was glad she recognised that.

Although, she simply couldn't understand why Hermione refused to understand and accept that Harry wanted to speak to Sirius. Who else was he meant to speak to about whatever went on? 

"And if you get thrown out today it will all have been for nothing!" Hermione added, still in a rushed whisper. She had become more and more hasty with her warnings, and now that the clock was ticking merrily closer to the end of school, she had upped the ante on the emotional level of her deterrents. "Don't do this Harry - it's more trouble than it's worth, if Umbridge catches you-"

Harry shifted silently in his chair, Aviana let out a sigh. The bell rang to signal the end of the class. 

"Don't do it Harry, please don't do it!" Hermione continued. 

She still got no answer, as the class ignored Umbridge's calls about homework and other meaningless what-not. Ron seemed determined to not give neither his opinion nor his advice, as he and Harry stood awkwardly as they waited for Aviana and Hermione to pack up their various things; ink wells, parchment, textbooks. 

Thankfully, as Harry was becoming less and less patient with the constant attempts at dissuasion, Aviana was the first to pack up. "Shall we get going, Harry?" She asked. "We only have so much time...." She trailed off, smiling pointedly over at Hermione as they made towards the door. 

"Harry, don't do it!" Hermione carried a stack of her books, having forgone packing them away with favour for further warning them. "This is what I was saying, all that time ago-"

"I don't even know what he wants to talk to him about, Granger." Aviana sniped, pulling Harry away. "Regardless, I need to get to her office, for you-know-what purposes." 

Hermione made a noise of discontent, as the two hurried forward, joining the stream of students trying to leave the classroom. "Give it a rest, okay?" Ron muttered, as they too joined the queue. "He can make up his own mind." 

Harry was unwittingly nervous, and kept glancing up at Aviana for some kind of reassurance. There was no measure of anxiety in her expression, but instead a kind of expectance, as her attention wavered down the corridor, focusing on a vague point ahead of them, trying to hear something.

And then it came. The unmistakable sounds of the promised diversion going off in the distance, just as they left the classroom. Screams and yells reverberated in the corridor above them, the students below looking up at the ceiling fearfully. From behind them, Umbridge came pelting out of her classroom as fast as her short, stubby legs would carry her. She withdrew her wand from her robes and hurried off in the opposite direction. That was their cue. 

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