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-: fifth year :-


. . .

When Dumbledore finally stopped talking after going over the last few things, the crowds of students began to pour out of the Great Hall. It could have been over a while before, but Umbridge had decided to speak - which had taken a while.

"You have to admit, this is going to be good for Hogwarts." Draco took note of Aviana's bitter expression as they split off from Pansy and Blaise. As the fifth year Slytherin prefects, they were now obligated to take the first years down to the dungeons. 

Aviana didn't say anything, so Draco pushed on. "Now that that oaf is gone, and the Ministry is having their influence after all that stuff with Dumbledore over the summer - I daresay Hogwarts will even benefit from this."

"Whatever. There's nothing I can do about it, is there?" Aviana replied, voice flat as they stopped at the end of the Hall, looking over the crowds to try and see any first years.

"Aviana, I said it earlier but what can be done? Your father did the crime - you can't be mad for him getting correctly convicted." Draco continued, and Aviana just ignored him, pushing herself up on her tiptoes and surveying the students. "Come on Rosier, it's for the good of the school, and you know it."

"Draco just let me be upset with something." She finally said with a sigh. "I'll happily admit that it's good for the school when I've finally managed to get over the fact that she helped put my father in jail and now she's going to be teaching me how to defend myself." 

"Fine. Whatever." Draco muttered, watching as Aviana stepped forward towards a group of much smaller students. He followed her and listened as she introduced herself, and saw how wher confidence falter when a couple of girls at the front began muttering to each other.

"You've got to be kidding me." Aviana murmured as Draco settled beside her. "Can you Draco, please?" She didn't even properly tell him what she was asking, but he nodded and promptly took over.

The girl was feeling rather overwhelmed - she felt that often these days. In fact, she had felt like that since her father went to jail, and it only intensified when Dumbledore arrived on her doorstep and took her to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. And then all the events that happened within that house, and now, the woman who had helped send her father to jail.

Aviana hadn't even considered the fact that because of her father going to Azkaban that she would have to deal with people murmuring and whispering to each other about her. It was almost the same as what Harry was experiencing, just in different ways.

Except really, if Aviana considered it, she couldn't compare. But they were going through something similar, even if the reasons why they were going through that were different. 

She trailed behind the group of first years, seemingly entirely deflated as she did so. Aviana was fed up already, tired of the lies and feeling like utter shit that Umbridge would be teaching her. 

But as they passed through into the Entrance Hall, Aviana felt the strange sensation of being watched once again, just like she had been throughout the feast. 

And somehow she didn't find herself surprised when she met Harry's eyes. She had decided after the second time she caught him staring that she would have to talk to him about it, and now that she had no involvement with whatever Draco was saying about the Slytherin house, Aviana stepped away from the group.

"Potter." Her voice was bitter, and Harry's eyes flashed as he noticed her stood in front of him. "Why, in the name of Salazar, do you keep staring at me?"

"No reason." Harry replied, and Aviana rolled her eyes. "Well-" He began, and this caught her interest, expression urging him on. "People were talking about your father.. and then about how Umbridge was at his trial."

"You already knew that. I mentioned it on the day of your's." Her voice had gone from bitter to completely flat, eyes darting over to the group of first years with Draco at the helm. "Listen Potter." She cut him off just as he was about to speak. "I'm not trying to have my life during the summer mixed up with my life here. I wasn't planning on talking to you at all this year, other than when is expected of me. And ignoring you and the rest of the people staying at Grimmauld Place is going to be hard if you keep staring at me."

"I didn't even realise I was doing it." Harry muttered. "Sorry for thinking I could perhaps be concerned." 

"I don't need your concern. Just stop staring, alright? It's weird." Aviana practically spat the words out, before turning on her heels, passing the first years and Draco and making her way down the stairs.

It was safe to say that this was not going to be Aviana's year.

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