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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"You were right." Harry said, as soon as Aviana approached them in the corner of the courtyard the next morning. She hadn't come to breakfast, and after she told him the later details of what happened after herself and Draco were hauled off by Umbridge (Hermione had suggested it was perhaps wise to follow them out of the library and had they been earlier then she would have been correct and it could have been prevented), and Harry assumed that she was tired from detention.

"I always am, but what this time?" She asked, sitting beside him on the wall. Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"I had another.... vision, last night." Harry replied. 

"Have you even been trying to use Occlumency to your advantage?" Hermione expression changed as Aviana spoke; she had said the exact same thing just a few minutes prior. "There's a reason why I suggested it in that Order meeting. Dumbledore can pretend to take the credit all he wants, but I told both you and Sirius before he'd even finished dealing with the mess at the Ministry."

Harry avoided her gaze; he could not lie and say that he had been practising as Snape suggested at the end of each of the sessions, as the sessions in themselves he was sure was just another way for Dumbledore to torture him that year. "Right, the Ministry." He said, easily diverting the topic. "The vision I had, I think it was in Voldemort's head this time."

Aviana narrowed her eyes. "Cold?" She asked, and when looked confused she pushed on, "oddly long fingers, almost looks skeletal? Red eyes." 

"Yeah, all that." Harry nodded. He often forgot that not everyone had seen him, and the terror of Voldemort's appearance alone was something neither Ron nor Hermione had shared. "When did you-"

"Before my father got sentenced at the Malfoys'." Aviana waved it off. "Okay, so that's just another moment of Legilimency, which could have been avoided if you've been focusing on your Occlumency. What did you see?" 

"Er... Rockwood, apologising to him for something." Harry began, focusing on the fountain before them as he concentrated on his slowly fading memory, like it had been a dream. "He used to work in the department... Avery told him Bode would be able to get it." Aviana looked acutely more interested than before. "Malfoy cast an Imperius Curse... he - Bode - managed to fight against it, then he sent Rockwood away, asking for Avery." 

"So yes, I was right." Aviana said. "Bode worked as an Unspeakable, and Malfoy was unable to fully submerge his consciousness in the Imperius Curse as he directed him to remove...." she trailed off, looked up at Harry, "it, which is why he ended up hospitalised as the protective charms acted. What's new?" 

"Well - you could have told us about that." Ron shrugged. 

"Then what would I hold over the Orders' head to secure myself a position?" Aviana asked. "I'm joking, I suppose." She added drily. "That was merely an assumption, I had nothing but my previous experience with Healer Smythe to decide that she was most likely under the Imperius Curse, and my knowledge on what it looks like when someone is ill due to magic backfiring to decide what happened."

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