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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Now, Harry couldn't for the slightest reason - particularly after living with Aviana for the best part of the month - understand why she would willingly choose Care of Magical Creatures as a subject, unless she had completely ignored all of the information given to them at the end of second year about their choices. Because unless she had an incredibly heightened interest in any of the creatures they were set to study, it didn't seem like the sort of thing she would enjoy.

And although he had only really somewhat gotten to know her over the last few months, he had been in the same class for her years, and one thing had become blatantly obvious; she was somewhat germophobic.

He hadn't exactly bothered to do much in covering up the cut scrawled across his hand except put some salve and maybe a plaster on it, but day in and day out, especially during the school days, Aviana wore a variety of gloves - and he couldn't help but this lesson was exactly why none of her friends entirely believed it to be odd behaviour.

There had been so many looks of disgust and abject refusals to do any number of things during that class - whether it was when Hagrid resigned to study nothing but flobberworms and salamanders for months after Malfoy's incident or go anywhere near a Blast-ended Skrewt for fear of singeing her blouse - that he and Ron had been able to make a game of it during the cleaning of Grimmauld Place and easily predict however she was going to react when contributing.

He supposed, considering what had happened, that was always why she was so upset with Malfoy about the Buckbeak situation; those were the type of magical creatures she could deal with, because he knew for a fact that he had never seen her smile before that lesson with the Hippogriffs at the start of third year and when it came to unicorns in the year following. She evidently didn't like insects, and anything that they were told to feed dead animals or other rotting things, and continuously refused to touch things that she thought to be 'dirty'.

And this lesson was no different. The pair of gloves she already had one were covered up with another pair, and she hardly dared go anywhere near the table of Bowtruckles, and practically squeaked when Pansy picked up one of the stick-like insects.

All the while, Umbridge had decided to wander amongst the students as she asked them about magical creatures, clearly trying to gain insight and gauge whether or not Hagrid was a good teacher. From her initial observation of Remus being a werewolf, it was clear that she was looking for any reason to get a half-giant fired. His spirits were lifted as he heard the answers from most people, however there seemed to be a low bubble of concern to replace that ease as he watched Umbridge approach Aviana.

"You don't seem to be participating, Miss Rosier." The professor said primly. "Is there a reason for this? I believe it's expected that all students actively participate in classes that focus on practical measures."

"What are you expecting me to do? It's not like I can easily see the things." Aviana replied. "Do you not have a class to teach, Professor? I hear that this is the second time you are observing another lesson today."

"That is none of your concern, Miss Rosier. And I am expecting you to follow the lead of your classmates and help in feeding the Bowtruckles." Umbridge replied.

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