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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The day after Harry confirmed with Aviana that the Room of Requirement was indeed something real and not just a Hogwarts: A History myth, and something they could access was spent gathering people. Aviana remained completely uninvolved in the process, however she was determined to keep a careful eye for any flicker of pink throughout the day, and once or twice she spied her, and spent majority of the afternoon awaiting the hour that Harry, Ron and Hermione had organised.

Half-seven rolled around and Aviana was up on the seventh floor, leaning against the wall just down the corridor from the Room of Requirement as she awaited the arrival of everyone else, looking intensely bored as she carried out the singular task that she had been given; to direct everyone into the room and ensure that nobody was there that shouldn't be.

And luckily enough, there was no sign of Umbridge anywhere.

She counted off each person who came, ensuring everyone was there - because if people weren't, and they had been told, there was the potential for a bit of trouble, and the group could be over before it even started.

Aviana sat there and counted each that came, directing them what to do with quite an acquired drawl of boredom, and when it came to the last few people, Aviana had had quite enough of the nervous looks. When Zacharias Smith strolled down the corridor in the company of Justin Finch-Fletchley and Ernie MacMillan, and shot a glare her way when he noticed her, Aviana was up on her feet on an instance.

"Something to say, Smith? Shocked I'm still here?"

"Shocked you're involved at all." Zacharias scoffed. It seemed that he hadn't quite gotten over the embarrassment of the last time they spoke.

"Not me who wasn't willing to sign their name though, was it?" Aviana's head tilted, still glaring.

Justin patted Zacharias on the shoulder. "Good luck, mate." He said, before turning to Aviana. "How do we get in? Ginny told Michael, who told us that you were supposed to be telling people how to get in."

"That was too much information that I really don't give a shit about." Aviana scoffed. "Did thingy tell thingy to tell thingy to tell you about standing in front of the tapestry and walking past three times?"

"What are you in a mood about now?" Zacharias snapped, as Justin and Ernie made the wise decision not to respond and instead take heed of her instructions to enter the Room of Requirement. "No need to be so rude."

"No need to be such a twat but nobody seems to tell you to stop."

"What the fuck?"

"Yes?" Aviana blinked once, then twice. "What is your problem with me, exactly?" She asked, arms folded. "Still upset about the sticking charm, grow up."

"Grow up?" Zacharias repeated. "Grow up?"

"You seem to have some idea that I'm going to be the downfall of this group, that I'm somehow waiting for a moment to go and run to Umbridge." Aviana glared at him. "Out of the two of us, I think the one who hesitated to sign their name."

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