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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Apparently, as Aviana found out, Umbridge becoming High Inquisitor meant that she was now observing classes. Because after Harry informing her of his letter from Sirius during break and the subsequent lesson of Potions - which involved receiving their previous week moonstone essays back with O.W.L grades ( she had recieved an 'O', and was incredibly pleased ) - and after lunch she had Divination.

Which she was five minutes late to. It was a pain to need to go to the toilet before any lesson up in the North Tower, and she had drunk far too much cherry water throughout the morning and had left lunch five minutes earlier than she needed to usually. The entire event - which included applying just a couple more layers of her lip gloss and re-apply her eyeliner as well as using the bathroom then running up the stairs like she was running some godforsaken Muggle marathon - had taken her ten minutes in it's entirety. And now she was sweaty and gross.

And climbing up the ladder outside of Trelawney's room in a pair of shoes with heels too high. 

When she emerged, she wasn't just staring through the incense infused haze at Trelawney's glasses-enhanced bug eyes, but also at Umbridge's incredibly squinty ones. "Oh." Aviana exhaled with the umph of somebody who ran up several staircases. Which of course, she actually had. On instinct, her eyebrows furrowed at the woman. 

"Miss Rosier." Umbridge blinked once, twice. "You are aware the bell to begin lessons once more rang five minutes ago?"

"Yeah, I haven't gone deaf in either ear, thanks." Aviana sniped. "I was going to apologise for being late, but it doesn't look like much has been done yet so... continue Professor." The final words were, of course, directed to Professor Trelawney, who nodded wobbily as Aviana began to make her way towards her usual table. Before stopping short and taking a seat between Harry and Ron. "Don't question it. I'm aiming to piss her off as much as possible." The girl muttered under her breath before either could protest. 

"Are you insane?" Harry's words were hidden by the newest cloud of insense produced from... well, Aviana was never really sure where it came from. "Do you want to get more detentions?"

"No, I'm not insane. Although if this scars then I'll have her put in Azkaban. Did you know corporal punishment has been illegal at Hogwarts for nine years now? Which means they haven't caned someone, nor used spells against them for almost a decade. These fade too quickly to tell Snape but-"

"Miss Rosier, it's awfully rude to talk over your teachers, isn't it?" As much as Umbridge seemed to dislike Trelawney, she hated unruly school girls with far too short skirts a lot more. "Is there something you'd like to share with us?"

"If I was talking over Professor Trelawney then you'd be able to tell what I said, no?" Aviana blinked. "And I'm sure you wouldn't like either me and Harry have to say." 

"What are you dragging him into it for?" Ron hissed, only to find her nails pinching his thigh. "Fine - fine, geez. Just don't start using your whole corporal punishment shit on me when you want to poke your eyes out due to the boringness of The Dream Oracle." He added.

Aviana didn't reply, instead making a very pointed show of getting her own textbook out, shooting a glare towards the teacher in pink before ensuring that Trelawney had her full attention. It wasn't long, however, until the woman finally got a hold of herself and managed to power through the chapter of the textbook before setting them off on their task.. which was exactly the same as the week before.

Umbridge was making hasty notes on her little clipboard, and moments after Trelawney finished her instructions she was on her feet and tottering around after the teacher; listening in on their conversations and posing questions here and there.

"We need to think of something." Harry proposed, trying to look as interested as he could in the subject. "In case the old toad comes over and asks us next."

"Don't look at me, mate." Ron scoffed. "I did that shit last time, you make it up... or you, seeing as you decided to ruin one more lesson." He glared at Aviana, who returned his glare. "Don't think we went deaf either, managed to hear all your comments in Potions."

"Then you'll be aware of how useless I think you all are." Aviana rolled her eyes. "Fine - I'll come up with dreams. Ron, you dreamt about being under the lake last year, Harry... you drowned someone in your cauldron. Snape, preferably."

"And not you?" Harry rose his eyebrows humorously, but was already reaching for his book. "Okay, we've got to add your age to the date I had the dream, the number of letters in the subject... would that be 'drowning' or 'cauldron' or 'Snape'?" He asked. "Go on - you tell us, if you're all-knowing."

"Omniscient is the word you're looking for... any or all." Aviana inputted. "Or you could have dreamt you were gifting him shampoo." 

"To say you actually get on with the guy you share some pretty similar views to us." Ron was staring at her, before pausing. "What the hell has got you in such a good mood?" 

Aviana bristled.

"Sounds like you're having a good day." Harry nudged her arm, clearly referencing their conversation earlier. He used the movement to chance a look around the classroom; Umbridge was now standing at Professor Trelawney's shoulder making notes while the Divination teacher questioned Neville about his dream diary. "What were you dreaming of, Aviana?"

"Now? Or some other day?" She hummed to herself, already marking something down in her dream diary. "Specifics Potter, if you want to steal it you have to have the specifics."

"Which one are you writing down?" Ron asked, interested at her quill scribbling before leaning over and catching a glimpse. "The Snape-Shampoo one? I'll swap it with oil.. make it more nightmarish."

"So." Harry pushed, as the girl waved Ron away. "What were you dreaming of? Last dream you remember - we'll say it was on Tuesday or something."

"You're not stealling my dream." Aviana replied. She didn't seem entirely focused on the conversation, which was how Harry believed they were getting so much out of her. "Last dream I had I was at my manor. My mum was there - Ophelia, not the woman who abandoned me to go eat mouldy cheese in France with her idiot of a father. We were feeding the ducks."

"You have ducks?"

"Obviously, what sort of person do you take me for?" Aviana rose her eyebrows. "She's in my dreams a lot. Put your own mothers in the scenario if you want. I've dreamt about going on the London Eye with her as well."

"London has an eye?" Ron's eyes widened, turning towards Harry. "Mate-"

"It's an observation wheel. Uh - big wheel with rooms attached." Harry explained. But his focus wasn't on his dream diary anymore. Well it was.. but not entirely. And Ron noticied it as well; the glances over to Aviana as she worked, and the look in them whenever it settled on the fading red marks on the back of her hand.

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