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-: fifth year :-


. . .

"Morning Avi." A smile was on Pansy's face as Aviana entered the Great Hall the next morning. The girl hadn't slept well at all, but still managed to look incredible after leaving her room that morning; uniform altered a lot shorter than it should be, a corset belt around her waist and a plain dark green blazer over her blouse. 

Her tie was pulled nearly around her neck, and her blouse had a crisp collar - and just like the day before, a serpent badge was pinned to it. A dark necklace hung tightly around her neck, and her usual makeup graced her features, curls of hair crossing her forehead. 

"Morning." Aviana forced a smile across her face as she slid into the seat beside the Parkinson girl, placing i slice of toast and a couple slices of orange beside it.

"Have you heard? Potter had his mates had a fight last night. That Irish one - Finnigan - said that his mother didn't want him to come back because of everything the Prophet's saying. Potter turned round and said that he didn't care and now.." Theo pointed over at the Gryffindor table, a tiny yet noticeable gap around Harry and his friends.

"I forgot that Wood left. It seems Johnson is the captain now." Aviana's bad mood was lifted as she thought of the sport, turning to the blonde haired boy to her right. "Draco, make sure my position is secured. I heard Montague is captain now and I saw him giving me a look last night - and not the type that Theo gives me on the daily." Aviana shivered, glaring at the Nott boy, who only smirked and run a hand through her hair.

"Fine." Draco replied, folding his arms and leaning on the table. "I threaten to have my dad revoke the brooms. He's far too dumb to figure out that my word to my father means nothing and so will just go along with it."

"Perfect." The Rosier girl beamed before turning back to Pansy, their conversation turning to the alterations to their uniform as they ate their breakfast. Not too long after, it was interrupted by the swoosh of owls arriving, and the Rosier family owl - a lovely tawny creature named Avalar - stopped in front of Aviana, amber eyes glinting as it delivered her three envelopes, recieving a slice of bacon as a payment.

As Avalar flew away, Aviana slid her nail under the seal of the first envelope - it didn't have a crest imprinted under it and had her worried that it was a 'gift' from Fred and George. And as she pulled the dark wax away from the parchment, she prepared herself for something to jump out.

But nothing did, and the only thing that fell out was a folded letter. A sigh of relief left her lips as she scanned the first few lines. It was from her mother, hoping that everything was alright and that she was staying in France for the foreseeable future. Eleanora rambled on about a few other things, but the general idea was that she hoped that her summer had been well and had gotten back to Hogwarts with no trouble.

It was her first letter from her mother since she had left, and Aviana promptly set it on fire, watching with satisfaction as it burnt into a pile of ashes. Which she then dumped in Theo's pumpkin juice when he wasn't looking as revenge for him being so annoying. 

The second letter was scratched out in a careful, lilting script - the writing of the head house elf, Zolly. It began with asking if she was alright, then detailed the status of the manor. Aviana didn't really need the reports, she knew that Zolly would be running the house as if it was business as usual. And with a small smile on her lips, she tucked the letter away in her blazer pocket turned to the final one - which she had no idea who it could be from.

Dear Aviana.

After the revelation of your status of prefect at Kings Cross, I thought it would be appropriate to gift you something - as I would have done if I found out before. I gave it to your owl.. it's rather good-natured for a tawny, so if it's sticking around then that would be why. 

Folding the letter over as she paused her reading, Aviana looked towards where she had left Avalar, seeing that there was a small, hastily wrapped parcel by his feet. Taking it and giving the owl more bacon as payment, she pulled apart the wrapping and pulled out a ring as he flew away.

It was my signet ring. I wore it for years and left it here when I ran away. Secretly I did rather like it, but it was just another act of rebellion. Either way, I decided that if I were to give anything to celebrate my only child, it would be that. 

It has the Black family crest engraved in it, and I understand why you wouldn't want to wear it for several reasons. You already have the Rosier one, and I believe if you were found with something with my family's crest - as much as I hated them - you would get in trouble. Perhaps wear it as a necklace? 

I realised on the way back from the station that I was yet to really give you anything. Even when you were a baby, your clothes came from James's mum and dad, who were absolutely ecstatic when they found out you were a girl. That way, they had one of each - Lily and James had Harry, and me and Lia had you. Euphemia and Fleamont treated me like a son, and had they not passed away when they did, I'm sure things would have been a lot different, and you would have gotten this ring ages ago.

I'm finding it a lot easier to write things out rather than say them, and I'm disappointed in myself for not finding out you got the badge. Lily and Moony got it when I was at school - but I'm convinced that your mum would have got it otherwise. You do take after her, just so you know - and as mentioned, I would be nowhere near to getting that badge.

Enjoy the privilege it comes with, abuse it if you must. I certainly would have done - probably why I didn't get it. The bird misses you, wishes I still had someone to feed it rats with. Molly was beside herself when she found out you had sat through a party celebrating Hermione and Ron and not yourself. Although Moony did tell me he saw you and Harry talking, and then he gave you the ring on the platform before. 

I am assuming you had something to do with dealing with his bitterness with not getting the badge. I should go, have fun in your first week back, reply to this when you get the chance, if you even want to at all.

- Snuffles

p.s. Ask Harry about the name.

p.p.s  Molly promised a celebratory dinner for you getting prefect at some point.

p.p.p.s I forgive you for calling me a mutt. 

someone tell me why
im crying after writing 
that letter ffs

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