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-: fifth year :-


. . .

Aviana felt much more like herself come breakfast on Monday. She had spent Sunday locked away in her dormitory, completing homework and writing out a letter to Sirius - or Snuffles, should she say, with a wrinkled nose of disgust as she addressed it - and deciding to take advantage in house elves unlimited powers of Apparation and summoning each of the house elves from her old home to find out if everything was okay, thinking of Kreacher for more than a moment and finding herself in a panic that her house had fallen into complete disarray.

Her worries was calmed, and she instead decided on a lunch and asked one of the house elves to bring it to her, as well as send off the letter from one of the owls back at the manor, allowing her to complete the rest of the day in complete solitude - ignoring the singular interruption from Pansy who was apparently worried for her wellbeing again.

That was getting annoying.

Monday morning and she was at breakfast once more, and despite her thorough hatred of Umbridge she was enjoying the chaos that whirled around her at the woman's decision to disband all groups and clubs until they received permission to act again.

She sat next to Draco in Transfiguration as usual, diligently taking notes and doing exactly as a perfect student should - which she knew she needed to be, given that Umbridge had threatened to expel her. It would never hold up with Dumbledore but there was that inkling within her that the woman wouldn't wait to take the matter to the Ministry, and she needed to uphold the little reputation she had left. And if she was going to pass all of her O.W.L.s with flying colours, she couldn't let herself be distracted.

And after that, through all of break, she ended up in the Prefect bathrooms, because Draco was wittering on about something again, waving a piece of parchment about, and she had to touch up her make up. It led to her being late to Potions, but it had hardly been a full day since she was entirely embarrassed in front of Professor Snape - although she may not be his biggest fan, he was her head of house - and thought he may grant her a little leniency if she was a few moments late.

When she pushed open the dungeon door, she found herself eased by the sight of people still getting situated, pulling the textbook and rolls of parchment from their bags. And then she stepped out from the shadowed doorway, and her expression hardened.

"You will notice," Snape hardly spared her a glance as he spoke, still with that low, sneering voice, "that we have a guest with us today." He gestured, briefly toward the dim corner of the dungeon, and Aviana found, her mood dropping all the further, Professor Umbridge sat there, clipboard on her knee. "Miss Rosier, make your way to your seat." He instructed.

Umbridge sat up a little, peering over the heads of the students to watch her. And if Aviana knew anything, it was to not give her the pleasure of her misbehaviour. Her head raised, she flounced past the two tables of Slytherins and sat decisively besides Harry, as she had been the past couple of weeks.

"We are continuing with our Strengthening Solutions today," Snape continued, when she had sat, "you will find your mixtures as you left them last lesson, if correctly made they should have matured well over the weekend - instructions" - he waved his wand again - "on the board. Carry on."

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