˗ˋ 39

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-: fifth year :-


. . .

There wasn't any drag in Aviana's step as she stalked away from the classroom, dark green blazer that wasn't exactly part of the uniform flaring out by her sides. "Hey Potter!" The grin graced her lips as she said the name, large strides crossing the flagstones as she caught up with the Gryffindor boy.

"What are you doing? Has she sent you to give me another punishment?" Harry's face contorted in confusion, gaze scattering over her uniform choices for the second time, landing on the corset belt circling her waist. 

"Sirius would be proud of us." Aviana sang, dark hair bouncing around her forehead as they continued to walk. Harry still looked confused. "Well I can't stand the cow anymore than you can, so I got myself kicked out."

"You did what?" Harry seemed to be in disbelief. "Why would you do that?" 

"She's a bitch. and its kinda fun. And she sent my dad to jail. I'm also assuming if Sirius were to have a trial, she would send him as well. Besides, me and Cedric talked a few times, and I know Cho.. kind of. Defending their honour and all that." Aviana shrugged, the pair of them coming to the centre of the moving staircase hall, finishing in the only platform that ever stayed stationary. "Good luck with McGonagall, I'll see you in detention tomorrow!"

"Detention?" Harry shouted after her, pushing up his glasses and watching as she disappeared down one of the moving staircases, turning his back on her as he moved down the opposite. 

Aviana headed towards the dungeons, stopping in front of Snape's classroom. She could hear the chatter of a younger year's lesson going on within, saw them through the half-open door. Something that her head of house would surely despise. 

She rose her hand and knocked on the wooden door, pushing it open even further. Instantly it went quiet, and forty one pairs of eyes landed on her. "Miss Rosier, what are you doing out of your lesson?" Snape drawled, sweeping towards her with his dark cloak billowing around him. 

"Professor Umbridge hasn't taken a liking to me, sir." Aviana replied, eyes flickering over his shoulder to the class behind him. "I have a note." She held out the parchment, a bright smile on her face as she watched her head of house flicker over it, no emotion showing. 

"Wait in my office, Miss Rosier." Snape drawled, breathing out and turning back to the class, gesturing towards the door at the back of the dungeon. Nodding, she did as she was told,, walking through the centre of tables without a care in the world. Most would've gone around it. 

Forty five minutes later and Aviana was sat in one of the leather armchairs, fingers tapping on the wood arms and her head tilted backwards, gaze dancing across the green tinted jars, all labelled to be jellied or pickled somethings - mostly small creatures, the odd tentacle or two. Above her, the bell to signal the end of the school day rang and hundreds of students began moving about.

The door open and closed rather suddenly, the girl jumping to her feet and watching as Snape turned around his desk, waving his hand for her to sit. She did, sitting forward as the man in front of her placed the slip of parchment down in front of her.

"Miss Rosier, this note says that you have shouted lies as Professor Umbridge and constantly disrepected her and the Ministry of Magic." He read.

"That's right."

"You're admitting to it?" Snape drawled.

"Well yes. I said it, didn't I?"

"Supposedly. What exactly.. did you say."

"I.. agreed with Potter." Aviana looked as if she was in pain as she admitted it. "First I told her that I expected my father to be right back at home when I returned, having broken out of Azkaban due to the awful security - questioning how I could protect myself against such a danngerous man when all we learn is theory."

"Theory?" Snape didn't seem to have his usual harshness, and instead seemed to be trying to figure something out from her words. 

Yes - the book we have - shit I left it in there.." She expected at least something abouut her language. "Well it's awful." Aviana continued without it. "We cant use magic at all, no practising spells." Aviana shrugged. "Then when she told me Azkaban was heavily guarded, i questioned that."

"And said.. what."

"That it was protected by Dementors who attack innocent fifteen year olds"

"I see. then what did you say to her?"

"I blamed the Ministry for Barty Crouch jr. being disguised as our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. And when Potter was sent out.. I then refused to remain in the lesson with the woman who helped send my father to prison teaching us.. bullshit theory." Her hands were clasped over her folded legs as if they were having afternoon tea. 

"Is that everything, Miss Rosier?" Snape seemed to be going through a mixture of emotions, but kept the same lifeless drawl."

"And mocked her trying to tell us that Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord." Aviana cleared her throat, sitting forward in her seat. "I have a detention with Potter tomorrow night at five."

"I see. Not just tomorrow. Every night this week." Snape corrected, and for once in the entire meeting Aviana lost her confidence and composure, jaw dropping.

"Sorry what?" She asked, but Snape wasn't stopping there. Her change in position had left it open for him to swoop in and take position of a teacher.

"Miss Rosier ,you know more than your peers regarding the circumstances of.. a return. However it is inappropriate. You can not and shall not lord this information over your classmates heads. I shall be informing your father of this."

"Father - oh you mean sirius?" Aviana couldnt help but grin. "He'll be pleased, I assume." Snape's didn't look particularly happy. "I know you dislike him, but I am aware of what he was like during his school days."

"A bully."

"Now, Sir, that's not very professional. And not entirely true.. minds tend to cloud with age." Aviana watched as her teacher's eyes narrowed. "I'm guessing you would like me to get out of your office."

"Very much so." He refused to take points from his own house unnecessarily.

And with that in mind, Aviana could leave without any waiting. 

Professor Snape never did seem to be the best at reprimanding her or Draco. She would get off with a warning, each time.

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