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-: fifth year :-


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Fred and George's flight to freedom had instantaneously cemented them within Hogwarts legend. The tale was told and retold so often over the next week that it ensured that the generations following would hear about the two twins who turned a corridor into a swamp and dropped out of school in half an hour, flying away on brooms that had been taken off of them for fighting with a certain Malfoy.

But, also always, the story quickly became skewed. Aviana, whilst she much preferred the truth these days given so many people in her life had been lying to her for so long, was certainly enjoying the adjusted retellings. Within just a few days, even those who had been eyewitnesses were half convinced that they had seen the twins dive-bomb Umbridge on their brooms, pelting her with Dungbombs before zooming out of the doors, and even led her on a wild goose chase down the corridors before bursting through a window and into the night. 

Despite the ridiculousness of the theories, it kept people talking about the matter within the immediate aftermath, and their complaints (which were more than often with Umbridge as headmistress) began to take a very specific edge. More often than not, they would hear various students say things like; 'some days I just feel like jumping on my broom and leaving this place', or 'one more lesson like that and I might just do a Weasley'. Fred and George had been sure to make their mark on the castle, the family name becoming synonymous with something great, to be admired.

And certainly, they were. They left behind no instructions on how to remove the swamp that filled the east wing corridor upon the fifth floor, and it had temporarily became Aviana's favourite pastime to wander up to the hallway as Umbridge and Filch gathered to attempt to remove the swamp, swear loudly, claiming she forgot it was there, and hide around the corner to observe them. 

Of course, this behaviour - and, no less, the announcement of Fred's claim on her sunny disposition - landed her under yet more suspicion. She had been called into yet another meeting the day after, for which she stepped through the two large broom-shaped holes in the door, in which Umbridge once again tried to use a poorly-brewed Veritaserum on her to force to the truth, as she believed Aviana had helped them. There seemed to be some presumption that, like the jinx on Marietta, that Aviana would be forced into helping them get rid of it. She would not, regardless, but thoroughly enjoyed the look on Umbridge's face when she asked if she would receive a Ministry salary to figure out how to remove it. Umbridge was not best pleased about that, and returned to the insistence that she had caused the trouble alongside the twins.

Which she had, she just wasn't going to tell her that. 

But eventually, without Aviana's help nor any other input from the teachers - Harry was sure Flitwick or McGonagall could have it vanished in an instance - the area was roped off and Filch, who was furious, was given the task of punting students across the swamp to their lessons. He looked halfway to pushing someone in every time. 

Filch had replaced the doors with the broom-holes, and Aviana told Harry that she had seen Filch, alongside a group from the Inquisitorial Squad escorting him, his Firebolt had been taken down to the dungeons, somewhere in the labyrinth of damp corridors and were rumoured to be guarded by an armoured troll. 

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