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-: fifth year :-


. . .

The rest of the journey seemed long and boring, Aviana spending her time sat in the corner of the cabin, listening to her friends talk about their summers, and what she missed out on whilst locked up in the Rosier Manor - but she was actually at 12 Grimmauld Place, finding out the opposite information.

Pansy, Draco and Theo had all learnt various bits and pieces through eavesdropping and their parents about Voldemort and how he was going to rise to power. But Aviana was learning all about things on how to stop him.

"You know what I'm talking about, don't you Avi?" Pansy's voice was as silky smooth as always, looking across at her best friend. The Rosier girl's head had been leant against the glass of the window, eyes unfocused as she stared out of the window. 

"Pardon?" Aviana sat up, blinking around and seeing the others staring at her. "Sorry what were you saying? I've been quite.. out of it." 

"You don't say." Theo scoffed, sitting up. "Parkinson was saying how she agrees that it would be good for change at Hogwarts.. but others, such as myself could argue that it's been rather fun so far. What, being able to push little first year mudbloods downstairs and our only punishment is to see some prefect wanker stand in front of Snape? Perfect." 

"Me and Draco are prefect wankers now, Theodore. And I dare say that your late mother is turning in her grave at that language." Aviana sat up. "It depends on the change. Why? What change is happening?"

"Father told me, went to the Ministry several times this summer, when Potter's trial happened and all that. Heard from Fudge himself, Dumbledore's had quite the problem finding a replacement Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Draco eyes flashed, a smirk crossing his lips. "The Ministry's gotten involved."

Well, can't say I'm surprised. With everything the Prophet has been saying about him, Dumbledore seems to be loosing any credibility he had." Aviana scoffed, the teens around her grinning. 

"See, I told you she wouldn't have changed." Blaise looked up from his paper, glancing over at Aviana. "Just needed to get back into it."

"I knew Avi would be just fine." Pansy beamed, and the train seemed to be slowing. "And I knew that she would agree with me. Hogwarts is awful, Salazar knows it could do with some Ministry input"

And as the Hogwarts Express finally stopped, plumes of smoke billowing onto the Hogsmeade Platform. Floods of students instantly began to leave the train, and the compartment of Slytherin purebloods made sure to gather themselves and their belongings before stepping onto the platform. 

"Move it, idiots." Draco hissed, shoving a group of first years apart. "It seems like they've finally fired the oaf. What a joke of a teacher." He spat.

Aviana followed his gaze over to where an unfamilar woman stood in place of Hagrid, having to shout rather loudly above the din to make sure the first years heard her, calling them over so they could board the boats that would take them across the Black Lake.

"It's about time." Pansy muttered, her arm linked with Aviana's as they tried to navigate their way through the crowd.

"Crabbe, Goyle. Move them." Draco clearly hated being surrounded by all of the first years, and would stop at nothing to have a clear path. "I'll give you all detentions before you're even sorted." He threatened.

"So help us if any of them are sorted into Slytherin." Aviana muttered, but with a jerk on her arm, she was pulled back by Pansy, and she turned, eyes settling on a girl who she had shared a house with for most of her summer. "Granger, what a surprise!" She beamed, stepping forward and slinging an arm around Hermione's shoulders, bending down over her shoulder and looking up. "Coming to reprimand us?"

"Already abusing your power, I see!" The girl squeaked, trying to shrug Aviana off of her. The Rosier girl did as she pleased, meeting her eyes with a smirk as she walked back over to the side of her friends. "I have a good mind to report you."

"You do just that." Aviana smiled. "We would be absolutely honoured. I suppose Potter and -  rather unfortunately - Weasley must be waiting for you. Trot along." 

But before waiting for Granger to leave, the group of Slytherins stalked off, Malfoy pushing various other smaller children out of the way as they got to the carriages, Blaise, Pansy and Aviana joining him in the carriage. 

"Merlin, I hate that uptight mudblood." Pansy spat, looking bitter. "Looked terrified of you though, Avi."

"What can I say? Not like she expected me to be anyone else. I'll treat her just the same as I have for the paast however many years." The Rosier girl shrugged. "Doesn't matter whether or not my father is in prison and my mother is considered a missing person."

Except, it seemed to matter very much.

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