💀I missed these Idiots 💀

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💀Putting my love-hate
relationship with L aside,
I love him in this scene 💀

I was taken aback at Rem's words. That look in their eye only made things worse. I felt uncomfortable and I didnt like the vibe Rem gave off.

"U-uh yeah.. we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day, I still love Light." I give Rem an awkward smile.

"I wouldn't call your relationship with Light, "love". I believe you've been blinded by your feeling for him."

I wasn't really sure what to say, was Rem right? Was I blinded by love? If so, what am I not seeing? Light isnt at all abusive. He makes me happy, if he didnt I wouldn't still be with him.

Rem gave me something else to think about. Despite that though, I still want to visit my boyfriend. With that said, I asked Rem to stay behind and headed to the Yagami household.

On my way there, I couldn't shake what Rem said out of my head. Is my relationship with Light unhealthy? I know it's not perfect but us it really THAT bad?

💀Time Skip 💀

When I arrived I decided to subside those thoughts and enjoy Light's company. Having one last deep breath I rang the doorbell.

It didnt surprise me when Ms.Yagami answered.

"Oh (Y/n)! Its been awhile how are you?"

She was right, it has been quite a while sense I've visited. With me having my own place, Light just comes over.

"I've been good." I gave a short answer, I didnt really feel like having a long conversation. I wanted to hurry up and see Light. I was debating if I should tell him about what happened with Rem. But I decided not to, as he might get mad.

At that thought my eyes widened in realization. "He might get mad" I replayed it in my head. How often do I think that? Do I always worry about making him mad? Is this what Rem was talking about?

I was pulled out of my thoughts at Ms.Yagami's words.

"Light's right up in his room."

"Oh okay, thank you!"

I walked up the stairs trying not to think much about my conversation with Rem. To put it simply.

I was failing miserably.

I put on a smile and knocked on the door.

"Go away Sayu!" Light's voice came from the other side of the door.

I grinned, and played along.
In my best Sayu voice, I replied.

"Your girlfriend's here!"

I couldn't help but giggle slightly at my poor impression. Light opened the door with a smirk on his face.

"That the best impression you could do?"

"Psh you know it was good." I teased.

Light smiled and pulled me into a warm hug.

"I missed you." He said, resting his head on my neck.

"Then why didnt you call?" My voice came off sadder than I was expecting.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy helping L with the case. You know I cant do much with his big eyes on me all the time." He slightly pulled away to look at me. But he kept his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I know but a text would've been nice."

Light sighed, probably thinking something like, "Theres no winning with you."

"Forgive me?" He asked.

"Hmm, how will you make it up to me?" I loved teasing him. Now that I'm seeing him, I realized I really missed him a lot. His smirk, and dark, lustful eyes.

"Hmm.. will this do for now?"

He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. His lips were soft and warm. I wanted to stay like this forever. But of course as fast as he kissed me, he pulled away.

"Your such a tease" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You like it tho" I blushed at his words.

"S-shut up!"

With that, Light pulled away and turned back to his room. I followed close behind. Once I was in, I quickly noticed my favorite shinigami. Shhh dont tell Rem! You know you like Ryuk more too!

"Hey! What did I tell you about kissing in front of me?! That smacking sound is disgusting. Why dont you love birds get a room! "

I giggled,"Nice to see you too Ryuk."

"I believe this is MY room, I can do all the making out I want. " Light directed to Ryuk.

"In fact, I could do more than make-out if I wanted to."

I couldn't see his face (sense ur facing ryuk and Light is behind u) but I could hear the smirk in Lights voice.

"Okay, I wont be staying to watch THAT" Ryuk was ready to go out the window.

I laughed. "Relax Ryuk, he's only kidding. Besides you cant leave so soon, I missed you too!"

"Save your mushy talk for your boyfriend over there." He wouldn't admit it but I could see my words embarrassed him.

While I was distracted catching up with Ryuk, Light managed to snake his arms around my waist again. He came from behind and had his head buried in my neck.

I jumped when I felt his breath on my neck.

"Who said I was kidding?" Saying this, Light kissed my neck.

Out of surprise and embarrassment, I wiggled out of Light's hold and grabbed a nearby pillow. I swung and hit his face, catching him off gaurd.

While he was still in shock, I took the opportunity to keep hitting him.

"You weirdo! Dont sneak up from behind me and say things like that! What are you a pervert?!"

I yelled, still hitting him. I couldn't hold back my laugh at the sight of light trying to dodge my hits.

"Hey! I was just messing with you! Relax!"

I stopped hitting him and burst into laughter. My eyes were tearing up from all my laughing.

Light sat on his bed, faking a frown.
"And I'm not a pervert."

"Sureeee" I teased.

Ryuk just watched in amusement, laughing every now and then.

After all this excitement, all I could think was,

I missed these idiots.

💀Wanted to have a "wholesome".... "Heartfelt".... Heart warming? idk whatever u wanna call it, chapter before things got serious and we brought L back. So uh enjoy it while you can not saying it's going to be bad but theres upcoming conflict. 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now