💀Your Wrong💀

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"But I love Rem!"


Light gazed at me with a look of disgust and disappointment.

"You what?..."

Light looked as if he couldn't process what I just said. No, it wasn't that he didn't understand... it was that he didn't want to.

"I... love Rem." I repeated myself, already regretting my words.

"What do you mean by that? Are you in love with them!? Have we really been in competition this whole time?!"

Light looked like he was going to fall into pieces at any moment. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he waited for my response.

"NO not like that! So please don't get mad, I mean as a friend. I meant it when I said they're my best friend, Light. That's why I've been trying to describe Rem's feelings for me as friends... I didn't want to believe that they had feelings for me. I wouldn't know what to do in that situation, but I guess I'll have to figure this out now...."

"Well don't say shit like that! I understand how you feel but you can't just blurt that out in the middle of an argument, about their love for you."

Light gently chuckled, trying to calm himself down.

"Heh.. you really scared me for a second, (Y/n)."

"Sorry, but I needed you to understand why I can't just kill Rem off like that."

"I get it.. sort of.... Well no, I don't really get it."

But, I do understand that you care for Rem and that I can't convince you to kill them... -Light thought to himself.

"Well, thank you for trying to understand, Light." I gave him an awkward smile.

It was weird how fast we could switch from arguing to laughing. But it was better than spending weeks apart before we made up.

"I should probably go home though, I have... stuff to do." Light spoke like he was uncomfortable.


I watched Light quickly gather his things and prepare to leave. I followed him to the door, walking him out.


"Yeah?" He turned to face me.

Light stood in the doorway, holding his bag on his shoulder. My porch light shined above us. The lighting brought out Light's best features. It showed how silky and soft his hair was, how beautiful his amber eyes were, and how juicy his rose tinted lips are.

"I don't want you to go home with us on bad terms. I want you to know that I really wasn't aware of Rem's presence. I made the mistake of hiding them from you before, I wouldn't do that again since I know the effect it has on our relationship."

"Yeah, I guess that makes more sense. I apologize for not listening to you, it's just that from the moment I saw Rem-"

"I know." I cut Light off, not wanting him to continue. I already knew what he would say and understood how he felt. Seeing Rem was an automatic set off for him. 

"I didn't want to go through all of that again... I'm sorry for allowing my anger to take control of my actions." Light explained.

Instead of saying anything, I pulled Light into an forgiving hug. I held him tightly, with my arms wrapped around his body. It didn't take him long to drop his bag on the floor, and hold me close to his chest.

After a minute of holding on another, we backed up a bit, letting go.

"Look, I know you care about Rem and all, but you should seriously consider my plan. You'll finally be able to stop worrying about Kira business."

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now