💀Hello Rem💀

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💀Note before you read, I started this story last year and there are plenty of things I would do differently if I were to rewrite it. But I'm not so in this chapter I refer to Rem as a male bc I forgot she was a girl and from further on I refer to her as they/them since that was easier to remember so plz keep that in mind before commenting 😅 sorry but it's kinda bothering me now 💀

I turned to see the creature standing behind me. He was tall and skinny, his skin was pale and resembled a light purple. He had white hair with purple tips He wore a bandage over one eye, only revealing one yellow eye.

I just stared at him in shock. Was he a shinigami? That would explain why the alley was dark and why I didn't see him just a minute ago. But if that was the case, where was his deathnote? Certainly it wasn't the diary right?

"H-how did you know what I was going to say? Are you by chance a-" I stuttered and was cut off by the tall figure again. "Shinigami? Yes, I am. It may not look like it but your actually holding my deathnote." He responded calmly.

"But why does it labeled as a diary?" I asked. I let my guard down, just a bit, as he hadn't tried anything yet. "I figured it was more likely to be picked up if it was eye-catching." He explained.

"Well that makes sense I guess, calling it a diary will definitely catch someone's attention." I giggled a bit. Who wouldn't want to read a diary for entertainment?

"Yes, that's what I planned to happen." He spoke seriously. I felt myself relax more, he didn't seem dangerous in any way to me. "Say, why would you want to catch the attention of a human anyway?" I questioned.

"Entertainment." He spoke plainly. "I see... well sense were going to be with each other for awhile now anyway, why not come to my house? You know so I dont look like a crackhead talking to themself in a alley? " I joked.

He just nodded and followed me home.

💀at home💀

We went straight to my room. Though I was home alone, sense my parents were still at work. I sat on my bed and started a conversation with the shinigami again.

"Can I know your name?" I asked.

"Rem" he responded quickly.

"Well I guess you dont have to ask for my name huh? " Rem only responded with a nod.

We spent hours just talking, that is once I got him to open up. Rem was actually kinda cool. He wasn't mean or anything. He kinda just vibes with me. I liked that. I only just met him and I already consider him a friend.

"Well I guess with it being titled a diary, I get a small advantage huh?" I looked at Rem while I sat at my desk.

"Yes and no. It was meant to catch attention, so you will still have to do a good job of hiding the book." He hovered over my shoulder.

"Yeah guess your right..."

I was excited I no longer need to use Light's deathnote cuz now I have my own! I even get my own shinigami! This is gonna be fun! I smiled as I started writing names in my "diary".

💀The next day💀

I opened my eyes, waking up. I quickly realized i had fallen asleep at my desk. I jumped up and panicked. Oh No Oh No Oh No! What if my mom came to check on me and saw the deathnote?!

Rem sighed. "Its in under your bed. I hide it there while you slept. "

"Omg! Thank you Rem!" I felt relieved.

Knowing under my bed wasn't the best hiding spot, I retrieved the book and set it on my bed. I then made a fake book cover to put it in. I titled it,"The Boy and The Ghost" to make it seem like an actual book. After placing my deathnote in the book cover, I put it in my "mini library " I had in my room.

It was Saturday so I had free time on my hands. I knew Light and me havent been the closest lately but I wanted to see him and tell him about my new "friend". I ate breakfast and headed out the door, Rem following close behind me. Than the idea hit me, I wont tell light.

I'll become a second Kira to impress him and show him my skills first. Afterwards I'll let him know it's me, but till then, I'm going to have some fun. I smirked to myself. I was still going to pay him a visit. I wanted to see Ryuk's reaction anyway. I wonder if he'll tell light...

💀 I'll warn you.... Theres about to be some drama pretty soon😈 See ya next week!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now