💀Battle at the Arcade 💀

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It was another day at school except this time I had something to look forward to. I already let my Mom  know that  I'll be getting home later then usual.  I couldn't focus at all today. I was too busy thinking about Light's sorry face when I beat him at everything. I couldn't help but grin to myself.
💀after class💀

I was zoned out in thought like usual, so I didn't even notice class ended, or Light. Light was standing next me, I guess I was ignoring him because  he poked my face asking,"(y/n)... you there?"

"Huh?! Oh sorry, I was kinda spaced out " I nervously laughed. "Its cool don't worry about it, let's get going."
I quickly gathered my things and followed Light out the door.

I was really excited. I was skipping the whole way to the arcade. Light just chuckled at my excitement  " I've never seen someone so excited to lose." he grinned.

I was surprised by his words. Light Yagami? Talking Trash?

 I never thought I'd see that. He's usually serious from what I can tell by glancing at him class. It wasn't abnormal for me to sneak a peak. I enjoyed looking him, the sunlight from the classroom window really made his eyes stand out.  

I smiled at him. "I don't know Light, I might just beat you~" I cooed.  He returned my smile saying, "Yeah we'll see about that" and continued walking. When we finally got there, I challenged Light at everything.

He lost the first game, and quickly ran to the next.  He chose a basketball one. "Come on, don't be scared, I'll go easy on you" I walked over laughing. "Big talk for someone who just lost."

As we started playing, I quickly realized, Light's really good at this game. He's a boss at it! No wonder he sounded so confident.  The cheater, he knew he had an advantage. Seeing his skills only made me try harder, but I lost.

"Hmm I even went easy on you..." I could tell he was enjoying himself. "Oh yeah?! Well  it's on! Rematch right here, right now!" I demanded. "Oh? Is someone a sore loser?" He teased.

💀time skip💀

Light continuously beat me, over and over. Of course I didn't give up, but I was getting tired of losing. "Give up yet?" Light grinned. He knew I wanted to. "NO!" We played a few more games before Light looked at his watch,"Ah, it's about time I start heading home... my arms were getting tired anyway"

"WHAT YOUR LEAVING, YOU CAN'T TILL I BEAT YOU!" I screamed at him. "Why don't you get some practice, you'll need it. We can meet up again some other time, be prepared to lose!" He walked over to grab his bag and waved a hand in the air on his way out. 

I decided to leave too, it would get boring here by myself.  I walked home with a big stupid smile on my face. It was fun today. Who knew Light could be so competitive. Well I'm one to talk, I wouldn't even let him use the restroom. I giggled at my past behavior. I had all that confidence before we even left class, and I ended up being the one that lost.

Light's fun. I can't wait to get to know him better.

💀See ya next chapter!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now