💀Face the Reality💀

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💀Hey! Omg so sorry I haven't finished the story so much has been going on since last update and when I finally got free time I was lazy because school starting and stuff. But I want to finish this story and I will. So here we go, the last 4 chapters. 💀

💀Light POV💀

My hands shook, no they practically vibrated. I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. They had to be lying... There's no way I would actually lose my Y/n.

"The execution will be tomorrow morning, at 8 am. For those that wish to watch, they can simply come back to channel 5 news. There will also be a live viewing if anyone would like to watch in person."

Hearing the man's words, I quickly grabbed the remote and threw it to my tv. The screen cracked but I couldn't care any less.

"They can't!" I yelled angrily.

Not only were they planning on permanently separating me from the girl I've come to love, but they want to put her on display? Could they be any more disrespectful?

"She will be kept at our local police station until morning."

Hearing Y/n's whereabouts gave me just a pinch of hope. Maybe... I still have a chance at saving her. I knew that I couldn't see her in her cell so I figured the only and best way to communicate with Y/n, was through Ryuk.


Ryuk's laughter slowed down as he brought his attention to me.

"I need you to pass on a message to Y/n for me."

Before the shinigami could mutter a complaint, I spoke again.

"I'll get you apples just go! Now!"

"Alright, alright relax. You didn't even tell me what you want me to tell her."

I let out a stressed breath before speaking again.

"Just tell her that I'll get her out of this mess. I need her to know everything will fine because I'll handle it. I don't want her to be as stressed and worried as I am."

Ryuk nodded and went off to meet Y/n.

💀Ryuk POV💀

When I made it into Y/n's cell, I could immediately tell something was off. She didn't react to my presence at all, and I knew she wasn't the type to ignore me. I stood directly in front of her, making faces in case she was just ignoring me. But when I looked into her dull eyes, I knew she wiped her memory of the deathnote.

Light's going to love this.

I chuckled, "Looks like it's just the two of us again."

💀30 minutes later💀

I was restless the entire time that Ryuk was gone. I paced back and forth in my room waiting for his return. I needed to think of a plan, I needed a way to get Y/n out. I thought about sneaking her out and going on the run, but I wasn't very confident in the idea. I thought about making guards let her go before killing them, but I don't know that many names. I was starting to consider making the eye deal right when Ryuk flew into my window.

"Ryuk, what did she say?!" I asked before he could got a chance to get comfortable.

Ryuk smirked at me with a look of entertainment.


"Nothing?! There's no way she wouldn't say anything she would at least give you a nod-"

"She couldn't see me." Ryuk cut me off.

I didn't have to even ask Ryuk, I already knew there was only one way she could wipe her memories. It had to be Rem, but why would they let her? Where has Rem been?!

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now