💀Stay with me, I love you💀

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⚠️DO NOT watch the video above if you havent finished the anime series slight spoilers are included ⚠️

I sighed as Light escorted me through the building. This is just great, I dont want to see that hobo right now. He creeps me out.

Light didnt seem too excited either but we gotta do, what we gotta do.... I guess. I rolled my eyes while light opened the door. That's when it hit me that this wasn't some sketchy building, it was a hotel.

It just wasn't as popular so I never noticed it. The first person I noticed was Mr. Yagami. He stared at me in disbelief, and he wasn't the only one. Everyone was staring. What did Light tell them about me? Did he even tell them he was bringing me? And why is Mr. Yagami acting surprised, as if he doesnt know me.

I scanned the room, carefully observing all the men inside it. One of them was cute,(aw cute not let's get his number 👀 cute) he seemed shy and nervous. The other guys didnt really catch my interest so my eyes finally landed on none other than L.

I looked at him in disgust. He'd look much better with eyebrows. Enough of bullying Ryuzaki though.

"Uh what? Were you not expecting me?" I asked to no one in particular.

"U-um yeah! Light told us he was bringing a friend but we never expected you to look like this." The cute one said, raising from his spot on the sofa.

"What do you mean by that?"

Feeling the tension of my question, he quickly responded.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that! I just... didnt expect you to be so pretty. Haha." He laughed nervously.

"Uh thanks I guess." I said awkwardly. I felt uncomfortable with him saying that infront of Light. But surprisingly Light didnt show a reaction. Probably because were around Ryuzaki right now.

"Anyways, I'm Matsuda! Nice to meet you!" The boy flashed me a smile while he rubbed the back of his neck.

After Matsuda, everyone else followed. While everyone was introducing themselves L's eyes stayed on Light and I. I looked to the side and made eye contact with him, awkwardly grinning at him.

Ugh I hate this creep. Everyone sat back down and we discussed how far they were in the case. Throughout the entire thing I could hear the men whisper. They would say things like,

"Can we really trust her?"

"Is she Light's girlfriend?"

"She doesnt look like the type to be interested in such a case."

But I chose to ignore their comments. According to L and Mr.Yagami, they are suspecting the idea of an second Kira. But they dont have any proof other than the fact that the two Kira's have a slightly different "killing schedule".

Thankfully I already knew how to talk to the detectives without giving myself and Light away.

"I see, so if there really is a second Kira, why do you think they would decide to show themselves now?" I asked.

"That's a good question (y/n)... I suppose the second Kira just might want attention from our original Kira."

"Though that's a good theory, why would they decide to do so now? So late in the game... I mean kira has been around for a good couple months now."

"Hmm.." was L's only repsonse.

As the room fell silent Matsuda spoke up.

"Nice thinking! I would've just went along with the idea that theres a second Kira, trusting Ryuzaki's detective skills. But you actually brought up a good point! It is a little late to try to catch the orginal Kira's attention."

L interrupted Matsuda.

"I still suspect that Light Yagami is Kira. Whether there is a second Kira or not."

This clearly didnt sit well with Mr. Yagami.

"How many times do I have to tell you my son IS NOT KIRA?!" Mr.Yagami instantly got defensive.

As the two went back and forth for a short while, debating Light's innocence all I could think was,
he's adorable but what exactly does Matsuda add to the case? Is he only here because he was brave enough to take the risk? L or Ryuzaki, if you prefer didn't seem to like Matsuda praising me. Was he perhaps... jealous? I smirked to myself at the thought.

💀time skip because this detective talk is boring(also why I hate chapters like these )💀

Light and I said our goodbyes to the team and agreed to meet them later. Light threw his arm over my shoulder while he walked me back home.

"How was it?" He asked me, fully aware that I didnt enjoy my time there.

"Okay I guess, not exactly what I'd call fun. " I shot back, slightly annoyed.

"sigh* Dont be like that (y/n), you know I'd much rather take you out."

"I know... I'm sorry. I guess the whole situation just frustrates me, I didnt mean to take it out on you."

Light smiled and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"How about I take you on a date tommorow just me and you?"

My eyes lit up in excitement.

"Yeah! Sounds fun we never get to do normal couple things..." My voice faded as I came to realization.

"I know and I'm sorry, love. It's just I'm always busy, it's not easy being...kira." Light whispered that part.

"I have to stay guarded 24/7 so I forget to be myself and enjoy life with you. For that I apologize, you deserve better."

Hearing the regret in his voice, guilt struck me.

"Its okay, Light. I understand."

We gradually started to get closer and closer to my house. Light slowly dropped his arm from my shoulder and intertwined our fingers.

Reaching my doorstep, light stopped in his tracks. He was standing directly in front of me, gazing down at me.
His beautiful brown eyes glistened in the lighting of my porch.

Light raised his hand to my cheek.

"(Y/n)... I know I'm not the best boyfriend and I know theres so much more I can provide for you that I dont.
But you still stand by my side, proudly. You still decide to call me yours. I cant describe how much I appreciate your understanding. You are truly amazing (y/n). I wish I was better at..." his words faded as he slowly leaned down to my face.

"... telling you how much I-" Light rested his other arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I love you." He finished looking back and forth from my eyes to my lips. Almost as if he was asking permission to kiss me. I blushed and let out a small giggle.

"I love you too Light. And your perfect how you are now, I wouldn't trade you for anyone. You really are good to me." I smiled and leaned in more.

I closed my eyes and felt Light's lips softly brush against mine. I melted into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Light parted for a split second.

"I dont know how I would stay sane without you, please never leave me (y/n)." Finishing his sentence light kissed me again. This time it was me that broke the kiss.

"I wouldn't say your exactly... sane but I can say that I will NEVER leave you." Light grinned and brought his lips to mine once again. I smiled into the kiss.

"Hey Light?"

He stole another kiss before answering.

"Yes, (y/n)?"

"Can you stay tonight?"

"Of course." Light gave me one of his lustful smirks and helped me unlock the door to my house.

💀hey yall my bad for not updating but I promise I'll make up for it! I'm working on two more chapter as your reading this one! Bare with me! Ik I suck at this I'll try to do better! 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now