💀Mr. Yagami 💀

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💀early update just cuz I'm awesome 🥰  but dont worry I'll still be updating this weekend as promised💀

💀Light POV 💀

"You see I'm in the position that where even if you are Kira, it would still be to my benefit to have you working along side us. Do you know why I'd say that?" Ryosaki questioned.

"If we corporate with you the investigation will move forward, and if We're kira we might reveal ourselves. " I answered smoothly. I didn't have to think much of how I would respond.

💀 blah blah blah smart ppl talk 💀

💀Your POV 💀

I made my way back from the bathroom after mentally preparing myself to see that creep of a detective.
When I returned my eyes met the strange sight of both Light and Ryosaki on the phone? Huh? What's going on?

Then suddenly my phone rang.
It was an unknown number. Strange . I answered and was shocked by what I heard.

"Hello? Is this Miss (Y/n)? " the voice asked.

"Yes, this us her."

"I was asked to contact you, it seems your godfather has been rushed to the hospital." The voice explained.

Huh? Godfather? I don't have a "godfather" ..........Oh! Mr. Yagami! When I came to realize who that voice was talking about, my heart dropped.
I had become close with the yagami family so he meant a lot to me. He was like a uncle to me. Mr yagami was always kind to me and treated me like family. I hope he's alright.

"May I ask what happened?" I asked, concern in my voice.

"Mr. Yagami had a heart attack this evening. "

What?! No! Light wouldn't! Would he?! Is he crazy enough to kill off his own father?! But why? He wasn't getting in our way. No... I shouldn't assume things, this could just be a coincidence. Yeah that's what it is, a coincidence. I should have more trust in Light.

"Okay I'll be on my way." And with that I hung up.

When I looked up to the table, it seemed the boys got the same message.

💀small time skip💀
We rushed to hospital and quickly made it to Mr. Yagami's room.  By time we got there Light's mom was already leaving. Mr. Yagami was awake so we.got a chance to talk to him.

"So the doctors say the only cause was stress?" Light looked worried.

"Yeah." Mr.Yagami responded calmly.
With those words I was at ease. A lot of weight was lifted from my shoulders to hear that he was okay. Maybe not okay... but not dying so that's good enough for me.

💀time skip💀
The hospital kicked us out as visiting hours had already ended.  Ryusaki's (yes ik I change how I spell his name a lot but Idrc I'm to lazy to correct it) car was waiting for him at the entrance. Light stopped him with a question.

"What would it take to get you to believe that I'm not kira?"

Well I guess fuck me then. Just leave him to suspect me. No worries I don't mind. Tell him to put more cameras in my house too while your at it.

Ryusaki turned to face us. "Please, isn't there something?" Light asked. Don't sound so desperate, it's not a good look on you. I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed.

"If your not Kira that wont be nessicary." Ryusaki said showing no emotion as usual.

"I can't TAKE this anymore! Put yourself in my position, how do you think it feels to be accused of being kira?!" Light got defensive.

I just stood there with a "bruh" look on my face. All I could think was "chill , your literally Kira. " And look at it threw my eyes, I'm attracted to a physco killer! (Not attacking u guys cuz I like light too)

"It feels horrible." Ryusaki said.

"What if you were to lock me up for a month with no tv or any connection to the outside world and constantly watch over me?" Light suggested.

Nice going dumbass he might just consider it. Honestly I don't know what's going threw your head right now light. I shook my head and walked off. I wasn't a part of the conversation anyway so  who cares? I'm going home.

💀I'm sorry, I just thought this was really stupid and I had to state my opinion threw y/n plus idrk how I would add u to the conversation 💀

💀Ryusaki Pov💀
Would any normal person be willing to go to such extreme measures to clear their name?"

"That's no good. I can't do anything to deprive you of your human rights. And besides, it'd be complete nonsense for a detective to take ideas from a suspect."

Light nodded in response. "I understand. "
I got in my car and I was off to think further about this investigation.

💀hey guys! Quick question before we carry on, should misa be in this story?
If so should you be jealous and have a full out war with her? Or should we make her sneaky by trying to get with Light behind ur back? Let me know in the comments! 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now