💀Haunted & Tormented 💀

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💀Your POV 💀 

I haven't spoke to Light in a few days. I decided to let him cool off before trying to fix things with him. I spent  some time thinking about what he said in our argument. He made a few valid points, that I'll admit but he was still at fault.

I mean the day could've gone an entirely different way if he didn't start an argument with me. Sure, you can argue that I pushed him to say what was on his mind, but he didn't have to be rude about it! Rem was right there!

I just can't see what's wrong with Rem hanging out with us. Rem doesn't do much more than follow, so really, Light was just getting mad with their presence. Which is stupid. I don't understand why I can't spend time with both my best friend and boyfriend all at once. 

Why is it such a problem? I never said Ryuk couldn't come with us places. I even think that it would be fun to have Ryuk tag along. Ryuk is funny and always lightens the mood. I'd be happy to have him around.

But Light can't say the same thing about Rem. For some reason, that I cant understand. Light despises Rem. But what's the big deal? What's so different about them? I get that  Rem doesn't talk much but is that really a bad thing?

If anything I would think that Rem's silence would be appreciated. They're barley even noticable!

All Rem does is sit back and observe. How they find that entertaining? I have no idea. Point is, I should be able to bring Rem whenever and wherever I want. 

"You decided to keep Rem a secret."

Light wasn't wrong, I did keep Rem a secret. But I had a good reason for it! I didn't want him to get  mad and keeping it from him only made things worse.

I regret not telling him. But that won't change my mind. Rem is nice, they chill with me. I enjoy their company. When Light isn't around, I don't have to feel lonely because I have Rem.

If I feel that I  need to vent, I know I can go to Rem. I know that I won't be judged. I don't  even have to think about it. But with Light I have to worry about what he'll say. What he'll think of me.

I hate to compare the two but it's true.

"Enjoy your pet while you can, they'll be dead soon enough." The sound of Light's voice played in my head.

What did he mean by that? Does he plan on killing Rem? Or is it because Light says,  Rem has feelings for me? It is surprising that Rem hasn't died yet.

Maybe theres more about shinigami's  that we don't know about. Or Maybe Light's wrong for once. He could've completely misunderstood the entire situation.

I mean I don't think Rem is in love with me. They would be dead by now right?

"I'm just really amazed that you would let a shinigami cause an argument between us."

As I thought about my past argument, Light's words haunted me.

Was he right? Did I allow Rem to cause an argument? No! I didn't, Rem didn't even do anything! They were just watching things unravel.

"I hope you do realize, things were going smoothly before they came around."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as my boyfriend's words tormented me.

He was right.

We were okay before Rem. We weren't perfect but we never had an argument like this before!

And it's all my fault! All because I kept secrets after I promised not to. I'm a liar! I'm the bad guy. I don't deserve Light.

My single tear quickly turned into a storm of tears as I blamed myself.

I sat on the floor, hugging my knees as I sobbed.

It felt good to let out all my stress. To let go and breath for a minute. But I wasn't able to do much breathing.

"I-I'm sor-r-ry L-Light!" I cried out.

Upon hearing my sobs, Rem came into my room to check on me.

"Are you alright (y/n)?"


Rem looked at me, wearing a surprised expression.

"I've ruined everything! It's all over! Light probably doesnt love me anymore and I can't even blame him! It's all my fault Rem!"

I sobbed and found it difficult to breath correctly.

Rem made their way over to me and wrapped their long arms around my small frame. (In comparison)

"Nothing is your fault (y/n).... I'm sorry that your feeling this way. Please don't blame yourself. I hate to see you like this."

Rem comforted me and rubbed their hand up and down my back. I slowly started to calm down and wrapped my arms around the shinigami.

"Thank you Rem."

"Anything for you, (y/n)."

💀Rem is just.... omg 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now