💀Idiotic yet Caring💀

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💀Your  POV 💀
I woke up hearing a loud beeping. I kept my eyes closed, wanting to get more sleep. Out of habit, I swung my arm up and slammed my hand down on whatever seemed to be making the noise.

"Ow!" I yelled as I realized  whatever I hit was NOT my alarm clock.

I squinted  one eye open to take a peek, still not wanting to wake up. But as soon as I looked, both of my eyes opened in shock.

Turns out I hit this weird IV thing you always see in hospitals..... wait HOSPITALS what the fuck?! I tried to hurry and jump up but only fell back down in pain. I tried once more.

"Ugh... what the hell?"  I couldn't get up, once I tried I felt a sting in my stomach. I grunted giving up and flopping down.  I decided to examine  the room and my suspicions were concluded. I'm in a hospital.


I layed on my back trying to remember what happened that could of put me in the hospital. I thought back to my morning not remembering anything out of the normal aside from actually going grocery shopping for once.

Ah! That's what it was I was going grocery shopping and.... I wanted to find a short cut and then some weirdo was following me! All of my memories came flooding in as I put the puzzle together.

But what did she do? Did she... I gasped. No way! I reached down to my stomach, searching. It wasn't long before I touched a sensitive spot and felt the same pain from earlier.
I lifted up my shirt to see that my stomach was bandaged.

"That bitch shot me!" I accidentally  yelled.

I was in awe. I knew I could've taken her and she probably did too. That's probably why her punk ass brought a gun. Oooh I swear. My rage was growing as I thought of the blond I previously has an encounter with.

I've met plenty of Light's  fangirls but never were any of them THIS  crazy.
That's okay, she'll  be disappointed to find out that I wont be in here long. And when I get out-

"(Y/n)! Your awake!" I heard a familiar voice and turned to face Mastuda.

"Matsuda? What are you doing here?" I asked.

I did some quick thinking and figured he was the one that brought me here.

"I found you unconscious in an alley and you were bleeding.... So I brought you here. But dont worry! They said everything will be fine! You actually got lucky because your attacker barley missed an important organ. I forgot what it was called. Or maybe it was an important liver? I dont know point is... Your gonna be okay! You might be here a couple days but after some testing you'll be right back home. " he gave me a bright smile.

I blinked slowly taking it all in. A couple of days? Longer than I expected but that should be fine.

"Thank you, Matsuda." I shot him a warm smile. I was genuinely thankful, I might have bleed out if he didnt find me.

"Dont worry about it, I'm always happy to help out. How are you feeling?"

When he asked this I noticed the awkward position we were in. He was standing over me, looking down, as I lay there.

"Oh I'm fine, I just cant seem to sit up." I said slightly embarrassed.

"Want me to help? It looks uncomfortable to be lying like that."

"N-no it's okay I got it." I once again started to struggle and he watched. But before I could fall back again in failure, Matsuda quickly gave me support. He had his hand on my back, gently pushing me upward. With his help I was finally able to sit up right.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now