💀 He Who likes Cake💀

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The mysterious man walked up on stadge. He wore a white tshirt  and baggy Jean's. He kinda slouched too. He shared the speech with light, so that must mean him and light both got top score? But how? I came in second. So does that mean they got the same score?

When light passed him the speech paper, he held it strangely. He held it as if it was dirty. What a weirdo. Everything about him was off. I'm normally not one to judge but... what's with this guy?

💀Light POV 💀

I was walking off stadge and the guy I did the speech with followed close behind me. Too close behind me. "Light." I ignored him. "Light. " he called my name again. "Light Yagami, your father is chief Soichiro yagami of the MPA. The respect for your father..." he kept going.

Who the hell is this guy? A stalker? He followed me to my seat, next to (y/n). I made sure to sit between the two. He sat weirdly, he was on his feet. "Your planning to join the police as soon as you graduate and you've already got the experience by helping with a number of cases in the past and now your showing an interest in the Kira case."

He wouldn't stop talking. "I'm impressed by your abilities, if you promise not to tell anyone about this, I have information concerning the Kira investigation." Where is this coming from? And who is he? Is it safe to just ignore him? If not I dont want to put (y/n) in danger. I'd never forgive myself.

But I wonder what this information actually is. " I won't tell anyone what is it?" He turned to face me. " I want to tell you, " he whispered. "I'm L" I could tell (y/n) heard as she froze, probably in thought. I just sat there, as "L" stared at me.  What? Theres no way!

What's he talking about? If he really was L, he'd never admit to it. I thought this guy was strange but this is pretty extreme. I had to remind myself to remain calm, not to show him any reaction.

"If you are who you say you are, then you have nothing but my respect and admiration." I said. "Thank you , the reason I chose to reveal myself to you, is that I think you could be a help to us with the Kira investigation. "

💡 an idea came to me. " Well I'm honored, but if you think I'll be of help to you, how about two of me?" I offered. He looked at me confused. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked. "Well you see, my girlfriend is like my partner, she came in second on the exam. I think it will be even easier to solve the case with her help. "

💀Your POV 💀

I blushed, hearing light introduce me as his girlfriend. I mean I know that's what  I am, but it's nice to hear him say it. "Oh really? Where is she at the moment?" so called "L" asked. " You mean you didn't notice her? She's right here." Light pointed towards me. I looked at him trying to act confused. As if I wasn't listening this entire time.

"Hmm~ I see.. She quite a sight isn't she?" L made eye contact with me. You didn't even notice me a second ago! I just smiled, " I assume your talking about me?" I asked him.
"Yes, I can't believe I didn't notice you sooner. " Light didn't like where our conversation was going, " Yeah I'm proud to have her as MY girlfriend."

I wanted to laugh at him. He had to make sure he threw the girlfriend card out there. "Well then, I'm sure you heard our earlier conversation, so would you like to help us?" L invited me.

Right if this really is L, he just hit the jackpot. He managed to get both suspects at the same time. "I'd love to, as long it doesn't overlap my school work." I gave him a fake smile. "Well make sure it doesn't." He looked at me.

💀Afterwards 💀

While me and light walked out ryuk laughed. "I wasn't expecting the ceremony to be so interesting." Light and myself remained quite. We were still in public. " Hey (y/n).. " I heard a familiar voice call my name. I stopped to let him catch up. Ryuk laughed even more, " I think it's your new friend."

Light frowned. " Uh nice meeting you, you too light. " L said. " The pleasure is mine" Light cut in before I could respond. Oooh jealous much? I grinned and nodded.  L just went to his car, " I'm sure see you guys on campus."

"See ya!" I waved.  Light and me took the bus to his house. It was a silent ride. When we got to his room, he of course locked the door. He sat at his desk, angry. "Dammit he got me!"
Ryuk looked just as confused as I was. "What do you mean?" We said at the same time.

Light ignored our question. "Damn L, I've never been so humiliated in my life! " Ryuk took this as an opportunity. "Hey why don't you just do the shinigami eye deal, then you should have no problem killing him right?"

" And what good will shinigami eyes do me if this is just a trap?! " Light yelled. Well that backfired. " If I kill him and it turns out it's not really L, that'll be like announcing to the real L that I am kira!" Ryuk was wide eyed. I never seen ryuk that way before. "Eh, sorry! " ryuk apologized?

Light kept on going about how badly he wants to kill him but he'll get caught if he does so. I thought of that smile he gave me before, that helped me feel more at ease. I want to help him relax, like he does for me all the time. Now's my chance!

Light faced the wall, in his desk chair. I slowly walked to him.  "Light..." I turned his chair around, making him face me. " Calm down... your smart you've made it this far, it'll all be okay. I'm here to help you, your not in this alone. " I smiled at him. He looked surprised.

Before he got the chance to go back to his rage, I leaned down and pulled his chair closer, whispering in his ear, "I'll do anything to help you, just say the word and I'll get the shinigami eyes for you." I was serious. I would do anything for him, not because I'm in love with him, but because he's my hero. He made my life 100 times better, I owed him one.

I'll admit, a small part might have been because I loved him. I never told him that though. Hey why not rn, that might distract him from being a
"...Because I- " Light cut me off. "NO, YOU WON'T MAKE THE DEAL! " I think my attempt of helping him only angered him further. He stood up grabbing my wrist. " YOU WONT MAKE THE DEAL, YOU WONT SHORTEN YOUR LIFE, NOT FOR ME NOT FOR ANYONE." his voice shook.

"... promise me you won't do it. " he let go of me. I stayed silent. "PROMISE ME! Promise me you won't make the eye deal and shorten your life no matter the circumstances! Promise me..." he put his head down, letting his hair hide his eyes.

I seen a water droplet fall on his lap, was he crying? " I promise, I promise I won't make the eye deal and shorten my life." As soon as those words escaped my mouth, light pulled me into his embrace.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you... you can't leave me anytime sooner then you have to." His voice was low. I felt his heart trying to burst of of his chest. I wrapped my arms around him. " I won't ever leave you" I smiled,  though he couldn't see.

He pulled away, still holding me, he looked into my eyes for a short second  before leaning in to kiss me. It was passionate and heartfelt. I could feel his affection for me. He broke the kiss,   
"(Y/n)... I..  think I'm falling in love with you. " I blushed. "W-what?"

💀Btw light's never felt this way for anyone before so don't take it as him not loving you, he just doesn't realize it yet as he doesn't know what love feels like💀

Anyways see ya next chapter!

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now