💀Is it love? 💀

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💀Just so that your awear, this chapter will be focused on you and light. Not much Kira business will be included. Enjoy! 💀

"I- I think.... I'm falling in love with you." Light exclaimed. "W-What?" I blushed, surprised by his words. I never expected to hear those words, at least not this soon. Well I guess he didn't  say he loved me. But he did say he was in process of falling in love with me.

I was still in his embrace. He held me gently, with care. He stayed silent. "I- I don't know what to say light." I stuttered. I was happy as I waited for his response, because I noticed ryuk FINALLY left us alone, allowing us to have a moment.

" Do you think you'd ever be able to love someone like me, (y/n)? " Light asked looking off to the side. I was now sitting in his lap. I blushed, "Yeah, that is....if I don't already." I smiled. He looked up at me surprised. "Really?! You think you could love me?" He asked.

" Well yeah... I don't fully understand how I feel about you but I know whatever it is, its strong." I explained how I felt the best I could. " I think I know what you mean." Light paused, thinking for a moment.

" I don't know what this feeling is, that I have for you. I've never felt this way for anyone before. This feeling... gives me the need to protect you. I don't want to see you get hurt, I want to make you happy. I want to be the reason you smile. I'm not sure if you could call what u feel for you, love.
The only love I know is the kind you feel for family and that's not at all how I feel about you. I honestly don't know what you would call it. All I know is that I care for you deeply. "

Light poured his heart out to me. It wasn't often he told me about how he felt. I felt special to have him let me in on his emotions. I looked over to ryuk, to surprisingly see him leaving. "I think I should let you guys have sometime to talk." He said before flying of the window.

I never seen ryuk act that way. But I was thankful for him giving us some alone time. I turned back to light. " Light..." I wispered catching his attention, as he was lost in thought. "Listening to how you feel, left me with a question, is it love?" His only response was to suddenly kissed me. It was a bit rough this time but deeply passionate.

I was taken aback, but kissed him back, putting my hand threw his hair. He broke the kiss for a moment saying, " I'd kill to be with you (y/n), I'll make sure no one takes you away from me." I felt he was serious.

I smiled into the kiss. I must mean a lot to him. Not that killing is new to him, but still. I broke the kiss. " Hey we lost ryuk for awhile, how about a date at our place? " Light knew exactly what I was referring to. He smirked, "Sure, why not?"

We left his house, heading to a well deserved date. Of course being ourselves, we were different then other couples. We weren't heading to a restuarant, or a park. We were about to have some fun!

As we walked in, I got excited. "Ready for round two?" I asked. Light smirked, "The real question is, are you ready to lose?"

 Light smirked, "The real question is, are you ready to lose?"

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I shoved him a bit. " I should be asking you that!" We were back at the good old arcade. Of course this wasn't really a date to us, more of an hang out. We planned to go on a real date this upcoming weekend. We battled each other in every game.

I had a blast, and this time I actually beat him at basketball. "Psh I let you win" Light crossed his arms. "Yeah right! Don't be a sore loser~" I teased. We left the arcade and went to get ice cream. We had a walk at the park, it was a perfect way to end the day.

"Hey light?" He looked at me, ice cream all on his lips. "Hm?" He had a questioning look on his face. I gave him a quick kiss,"I love you" Light looked both surprised and embarrassed. He coughed a bit, cover his mouth. It was cute when he was all flustered like this.

"R-Really?" He asked

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"R-Really?" He asked. I flicked his forehead" DUHHH I wouldn't just say that to say it" I teased. He looked down, still blushing. "I-I love you too." And that's how our day ended. We both finally came to realize our true feeling for each other.  I hope I'm never separated from this man, I love him a lot. He's the source of all my happiness. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Who knows... maybe one day he'll be my husband.

I smiled at the idea. Ms. Yagami , that has a nice ring to it.. I know he would treat me right, cuz he already does. He doesn't make me do anything I dont want to, hes not abusive,  and he cares about how I feel.

💀Till next time!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now