💀 Talk Alone💀

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💀wanted to give L some attention  sense he hasn't been in any recent chapters. 💀

Light had his arm around my shoulder so didn't have to turn much to face me.

"I just find this... entertaining."

I smiled in response.

In that moment I decided  I was going to tell Light about my new "hobby". I wasn't sure when or how I would tell him though. I think I've kept this secret long enough. I dont want him to lose trust in me if I keep hiding stuff from him.

I wonder what he would think about Rem being with me so much without him knowing. Don't  get me wrong Light  isn't a toxic boyfriend, just protective.  I still love him though.

I decided not to delay it any longer.

"Hey light?"


"Theres something I've been wanting to tell you..." I played with my fingers, nervously.

"What? That your the second kira?"

Huh?! Did he know or was he being sarcastic. I quickly  raised my head in shock.


"Come on, how long did you think it would take me to find out? I know you   better than I know myself."

I stayed quiet  in shock. Guess I wasn't as slick as I thought.

"You've  been acting weird sense you got the book. Does it really make you feel that bad, keeping things from me?" Light smirked as he teased. 

Now I know what he meant when he said this was entertaining. He probably  enjoyed watching me think I was fooling him.

He held my chin up, forcing me to make eye contact. "Well does it?" He asked. I gave him a small nod before he brought his face closer to mine. He stopped right before out lips met.

"Your silly to think you can hide things from me. You know that?"

I didn't get a chance to respond as Light kissed me. I loved the feeling of his soft warm lips on mine. His kisses always made my knees weak. When I started  to melt into the kiss, light moved away.

His face wasn't as playful as before. It wasn't  playful at all. He looked serious all of sudden.

"(Y/n), please don't  keep secrets from me anymore. I'd like to be able to trust my girlfriend. "

The way his cold voice said my name gave me chills. I didn't want to anger him so I once again nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now who's this shinigami  that's been with my girlfriend 24/7? I sure  hope they're  not trying to steal you away."

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now