💀An old friend 💀

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💀Your pov 💀

I woke up to find Light sleep next to me in the chair. He looked uncomfortable, his body was in the chair while he used his arms as a pillow and leaned over on my bed.

I slowly sat up and grabbed a pillow, hitting  Light with it.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!"

Light grunted before sitting up.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"I've  slept better. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I dreamt of you. "

"Oh really? What happened?" He smirked.

"Hmm... If I remember correctly.." I tapped my chin with my pointer finger, pretending to be deep in thought.

" I was...."

Light leaned in, listening closely.

"Beating you up for eating my snacks."

His face dropped in disappointment.

"You're  such a tease."

"Haha that's what you get for thinking... inappropriately."

"Call it what you like, but I plan on making my dreams a reality." He winked.

I wasn't  sure on how to respond to that so I sat quietly for a moment.

"Why so quiet? Do I make you speechless?"

I blushed, hearing his words.

"I- No! Shut up!"

Light chuckled.

"No need to be embarrassed, (y/n)."

Before I could respond my nurse came in.

"Sorry to disturb you, miss (l/n) but quest hours were over hours ago."

"I see, I'll  be leaving then."
Light walked over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek. He then leaned down and whispered in my ear,"We'll  finish this conversation later."

His words gave me chills. Light stood up, waved goodbye and walked out.

💀Time skip💀

With Light gone, I was bored. I couldn't find anything to watch on the tv and I didnt want to eat the nasty hospital food.

I was a little happy though because I talked to my nurse earlier and she said I would be leaving soon. I couldn't wait to leave this place and get some real food.

While I was flicking threw the channels, my room suddenly got a lot darker. As if someone was blocking the window. I looked up to see Rem.

It's been awhile. We havent really talked sense our little... quarrel. I kind of felt uncomfortable and awkward. I didn't even know what to say. What were they doing here anyways?

"I noticed that you haven't  been home for a few days so I decided to ask Ryuk about it. He told me you were in the hospital so I rushed over."

I was surprised that Rem would care enough to come see me.

"Oh.. well thank you for coming to see me." I said awkwardly.

"Look, I know our last conversation wasn't  the best but I was hoping to look past that." They  scratched their cheek with their pointer finger, nervously.

"Yeah, it's fine. We're cool."

I was kind of happy to have Rem's company. We spent the next few hours just talking and catching up. I had to hold my phone to my ear so the nurses wouldn't think I'm crazy and talking to myself. I wouldn't want them to send me to one of those mental hospitals.

"So when are you supposed to be released?" Rem asked.

"Either today or tomorrow. I can't wait! My mouth waters just thinking of normal food."

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now