💀 Suspicions 💀

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💀Light POV💀  

Over the past few days, I've had a date or lots of quality time with Y/n. We have barley, if at all been apart. We eat, sleep, and basically do everything together. Not so different from the usual but now it's just more... excessive. 

Not that I mind though! This is exactly what I've been wanting all this time. To have all this free time with my sweet girlfriend, without any interruptions or distractions. I haven't had to worry too much about Rem lately either. 

We've actually found a way to coexist, not the Rem ever really struggled with that anyways.  I've come to realize that Rem loves Y/n enough not to interfere with our relationship despite  their opinion on it. 

I'd be lying if I said I don't still get jealous or possessive at times because I just can't help it. I hate the idea of sharing what I treasure most. This week is the happiest I've been in awhile. My dad told me that I could enjoy my break from school so he allowed me to get away from the Kira case for this week too. 

I often find my jaw hurting from all the smiling I've been doing. I really have everything I want right now. I don't want this week to ever end. For once, I don't have to worry about the deathnote, stress about school, and best of all I get to have Y/n by my side 24/7. 

I'm sure that she's been having a good time too, since she finally let me get that shower with her. It's cute to see her get embarrassed when I stare at her naked body. She always tells me to look away, and she'll quickly turn the other way whenever I tease her for checking me out. 

She acts all shy and innocent but I saw her eyes slip downward quite a few times. 

"Like what you see, hmm Y/n?" I tease, leaning down to whisper into my girlfriend's ear. 

I watch as she comes to the realization that she was staring and gets embarrassed once again. 

Y/n quickly looks away from me and faces the steaming water in front of us. 

"No, I'm actually rather disappointed in what I was looking at." 

"Oh wow, that hurts Y/n. I thought you'd like it." 

I held a hand over my heart, pretending to be hurt. 

"Too bad because I don't." 

I heard Y/n giggle as she crossed her arms. 

I let out a chuckle before pushing her gently to the side. 

"Jeez, stop hogging all the hot water." I tease. 

"Maybe I will, when you stop peeking out the curtains for Rem." 

"In my defense, they tend to pop up at the most random times. Not to mention awkward ones. It wouldn't surprise me if I looked over to see Rem staring at us." 

Y/n slapped my shoulder. 

"Oh stop! They're not watching us shower." 

"Yeah, yeah." 

I rinsed off my hair before turning the knob, stopping the water pouring over us. 

"Hey, I wasn't done!" Y/n whined from behind me. 

I turned around to look at her with a smirk on my face. 

"Well you are now." 

We both dry ourselves off, get dressed and head out of the bathroom. Y/n follows me into the living room where we sit on the couch and search for something to watch. I pointed the remote connected to the TV while Y/n leaned laid on my chest. Her hand rested in the middle of my stomach while her other was on my thigh. 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now