💀Rem and Ryuk💀

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The look in ryuks eyes went from surprised to amused in a matter of seconds. He knew. Of course he knew, not like I didn't expect it.

"Ryuk? What are you staring at?" Light asked.

I looked at ryuk with plead in my eyes. I tried to talk with my face. Hopefully he was getting "PLEASE don't tell I'll give you apples!" And not " I'm constipated".

All he did in repsonse was smile and turn to Light. "Nothing, I was just daydreaming about apples." Guess he got the message.

I spent the whole time catching up.with Light. We watched movies, ate popcorn, and just enjoyed each other's company.

Ryuk laughed every now and then while Rem just stood and watched. It was kinda creepy the way he was watching me and Light. As if he was analyzing our interactions carefully.

"Well I guess I should head home now

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"Well I guess I should head home now." I said. Light was lying on my lap as we watched (favorite movie). He sat up a little, "Why so soon? You never leave this early." I honestly wanted to stay longer but I felt bad for Rem.

"Sorry Light, I just have some things I have to take care of at home." I lied. Sitting all the way up this time, Light raised an eyebrow. "What kind of things?" He questioned. "Uh- you know... lots of things." I was getting nervous, and my lie became more obvious.

Now I could tell he knew I was lying, man I hope he doesn't call me out on it. My prayers were answered, cuz all he said was, "hmm... okay."

I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and left with Rem.

💀Light POV 💀

Hmm... She was clearly lying, but why? She's never lied to me before. What's so important to lie now? What's the point of even trying, she knows I can read her like a book.

Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Ryuk laughed. "Hey, light. I'm going for a walk. I'll be back." He grinned.

💀Your Pov💀

While I was walking home, I noticed ryuk following close behind. I stopped walking, and let him catch up. "So where is it?" He grinned. "What?" I asked, already knowing what he was referring to.

"Your deathnote."

"In my room. "

"Oh? I sure hope it's not out in the open. Or some where easy to find. "

Rem was quiet as we spoke.

"I know ryuk, I have it hidden well. Trust me no one will find it."
I paused for a short second.

"And please don't tell Light about this." I asked a bit annoyed.

"Why would I? Watching his sweet little girlfriend keep secrets is more entertaining."

That's ryuk for you. Not a care in the world just here for a show.

💀time skip💀

Ryuk went back to Light and I went to my room with Rem. "Hey, sorry about earlier, you seemed bored."

"Its fine." He gave me a short answer.
"But do you think your hiding spot is a good one?" He asked.

"Yeah, no one in my family would be interested enough to go through my books. I'm the only one that likes to read and I never have friends over so theres nothing to worry about." I reassured him.


The room fell into a akward silence. "Hey Rem?" I called out.

He turned to me as if asking "what?"

"I'd like to get to know you better"

💀I got my inspiration back PEOPLE. see ya next week! Or sooner no promises tho 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now