💀Bus Jacking💀

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The next day at school light pulled me to the side. He had a serious look on his face again. "What is it light, everything ok?" I asked concerned.
"Did you notice anyone following you yesterday?" I thought about yesterday and quickly the guy following me home. "Yeah actually..." He looked worried.

"(Y/n)... were suspected of being Kira." Light sighed. I was shocked, paralyzed in fear. I can't be executed not this early in the game, I didn't even really do anything yet. I think light noticed the worry in my face as he reassured me," Don't  worry I have a plan."

Right! This is light I'm talking to. Of course he has a plan he always does. I loved that about him. You can always count on him. He'd be pretty dependable boyfriend... WAIT HUH? What am I thinking?! Hes just a friend, I can't look at him in that way.

Light told me his plan about a bus jacking. It sounded like it would work, so I agreed to help him.  Light explained that he can control people's actions before they die and he would use this to his advantage to find the name of our stalkers.

The stalkers were sure to be working for the police department. So they weren't dangerous. We would play as we are going on a date and light had it set up that a guy would attempt to high Jack the bus.

The officers would of course try to help us. Light would ask bow we could know we could trust them. Tricking them into showing their id's . I gotta admit it not a bad idea... but I kinda wish the date part wasn't fake.

💀 time skip- fake date on the bus💀

Everything was going smoothly, we were on the bus, I acted super excited and clingy to make it seem as if I like light. Which I do but he doesn't need to know that. I came to realize my feelings once I thought over my past behavior.  And of course our "stalkers" followed us and sat directly behind us.

Light grinned. He looked proud of himself. It was a job well done. Ryuk on the other hand was left out on the plan so he was just standing there waiting to see what would happen.

As planned, the criminal came on the bus, pulling a gun out demanding money. You could just look at him and tell he was a thug.

Light passed me a note saying not to worry and that we would take his gin from him

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Light passed me a note saying not to worry and that we would take his gin from him. I held it to where the policemen behind us could see. They both warned us not to do so and said if anything happened they could handle it.

Ryuk finally caught on to the plan when he seen how light tricked the two into showing their id's , to prove they can be trusted. We had already decided before hand who would remember which name.

So all I had to worry about now was memorizing my stalkers name. Easy peasy. He honestly had a simple name, it was Hanzo Airita.

💀time skip 💀

Later on light wrote down the names and we were good to go. No worries till tomorrow, when the next problem comes. But until then I'll just enjoy my time with light.

💀got lazy and did some time skips well see ya next chapter 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now