💀My Past with L💀

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Over the past few weeks, me and Light have grown closer. I mean were kinda best friends now. I go over to his house from time to time, so his family is familiar with me. And I finally beat him in basketball.

With this going on, I'm not as bored. And I gotta say I'm proud of myself for "getting out there and making some friends" as my mom says it.

Right now I'm in my room, studying and listening to the TV. I usually do this to use the TV as background noise.  I don't really like silence. I was sitting there doing my thing when the TV caught my attention.  "This is Sakura TV and we have some shocking news! Recently there have been mysterious deaths of several criminals, across the globe, all from heart attacks"

I paused. They all died in the exact same way?! How is that possible? Is there some virus going around? No, they said it was heart attacks. But there's no way that's all coincidence right? I tried my best to  understand the situation.  My thoughts were interrupted by the name of L.

" Due to our police officers not being able to solve the case on their own, L has been asked to help. This must be serious if L-" I turned off the tv. I didn't want to hear anymore.

I wasn't a fan of L. I mean how can we trust some mystery person? How do we know it's not multiple people instead of just one? I find it kind of odd. I mean I can understand wanting to stay hidden. If I was a criminal I'd try to kill  him myself. But we barley know anything about this guy. That can't all be to hide his face. What's the harm in knowing  a small detail or two? Not like I want to know who he is anyway. 

I just hate all this credit going to one person. The officers helped too! They're heroes just as much as he is! I grew angry just thinking about it. I only felt this way because of my past.

My older brother was a detective himself. He helped L solve a case some years ago. Though on television the only one who got credit was of course L. They made it seem as he did all the work himself. And it was irritating. My brother died, solving that case, and his efforts weren't even recognized. This made me grow a hatred for L.

Not wanting to anger myself any further I went to bed. The next day at school, I heard that people are calling this mysterious person, killing inmates, Kira. It's not a bad name to be honest, I kinda like it.

Everyone's making it seem like a battle between L and Kira. If there's a match between the two, you bet I'm rooting for Kira! Yeah, he kills people, but they did wrong. I think Kira is just avenging those of who suffered because of others who committed crimes.

💀Later on after school💀

I noticed Light leaving and quickly decided to approach him. "Hey Light!" I called out to him. He stopped and waited for me to catch up. "Wanna hang today?" I asked. "Sorry, I can't I already have plans." "Oh.. I see, talk to ya later then!" We walked our separate ways.

I wonder if he's mad at me. Did I do or say something wrong? Hes been acting quite strange lately. Not at all like himself. Oh well, no need to worry about it, I mean I am his bestfriend. I'm sure he'll come around eventually. 

When I got home, I headed straight for my room. I had no homework today, so I might as well see what's on tv. Of course all that showed up was more news on Kira. That's all that's ever on tv these days, I don't know why I expected any different.

I guess I could see what's going on. I was shocked to see that L finally revealed his identity. Wait.. why show himself all of sudden. I don't trust it. That's too out of the blue. What's the catch?

It appears that their sending a world wide news report, discussing the Kira case. It seemed they were frustrating this so called Kira,  because  all of sudden L fell dead. Big shocker!  I thought, sarcastically. He definitely wasn't gonna kill the guy that would end his plans.

I have to admit though, it was surprising he could kill without being there.I actually found it impressive... Is that bad? Is it bad that I don't think this Kira person is necessarily bad? I questioned myself. 

  A capital L popped on screen, and he began to speak. I knew that wasn't the real L, he wouldn't be dumb enough to show himself. He sounded as if he was in shock. "I had to test this just in case, but I-I never thought it would actually happen. Kira, it seems you can kill people, without having to be there in person."  L then explained how he now knew Kira was in Japan and the man Lind L Tailor  on screen was scheduled to be executed today.  

That was the  man Kira just killed. L stated that he was arrested in secrecy. I hate to admit it but this guy is good. L then began demanding Kira to kill him. That's a bit  risky. I mean he did just kill Lind L Tailor, without being there. We don't know how this guy kills. A few minutes passed with L still standing. "It appears there are some people you can't kill... You've given me a useful hint."

Woah, this is kinda getting interesting. Definitely going to be a fun race to watch. I wonder who will win the end, L or Kira.

💀Things just got interesting 💀

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