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💀Light POV 💀

I walked over to my closet and dug deep. It took a few minutes but I found what I was looking for. It was a shoe box of numbers girls have given me throughout college. I had another one full of my highschool classmates.

I even had some guy give me his number? I was surprised but decided not to question him at the time. Anyways, I searched the box for a certain number.

I pulled a small piece of notebook paper and grinned widely at the name written on it.

Misa Amane

Call me sometime I think your cute!

(264) 098 46**

The paper smelt of old perfume. The smell was so strong, it was as if she purposely sprayed it. With a sigh I typed the number in my phone.

I hope this works and it better be worth it. (Y/n) is gonna kill me when she finds out about this. I just hope she knows I'll hate it more than she does.

The phone only rang once before I could hear a high pitch voice coming from the other side.

"Oh my gosh Light! You actually called me! Took you long enough, oh well I'm just happy you rung. What's up?"

How did she know this was my number? Did she already have it saved in her phone? Or did she memorize it? Either way how did she get it in first place?!

I rolled my eyes, I hate fangirls.

"Hey, Misa. " I spoke slowly, already regretting calling the blond idiot. (No hate to my blondies out there )

"...I was wondering if...." I scratched the back of my neck.

Ryuk was in the corner of my room watching carefully.

"Yes Light?" Her soft voice spoke again.

"If you would want to... go on a date with me...." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

I breathed into the phone, hating the fact that I was even talking with Misa.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?!" I growled into the phone, almost yelling.

"Yes! Yes of course! I thought you'd never ask!" She didn't hesitate to answer.

I rolled my eyes at her quick response. We havent even met up yet and I was already annoyed. Just the sound of her voice gets on my nerves.

How was someone like her able to hospitalize someone like (y/n)? It just doesn't match up but whatever. I'm positive that (y/n) was referring to Misa.

"When will we meet up? Where are we going? Are you picking me up? Can I come to your house? *gasp* Can I see your room?! Can I-"

Misa started go in a rant of questions before I cute her off.

"We meet tomorrow, 3 o clock, at the college. From there we'll go wherever you want see you then." I hung up immediately after finishing my sentence.

Well this should be interesting....

💀Misa POV💀

"See you then."

"Oh wait-" beep beep beep

Well that was rude. "Hmph", I pouted.
Wait did that really just happen? Did Light Yagami really just ask me out? Ahhhhhh I can't believe it, I'm so excited!

💀Time skip Light POV 💀

I went to the hospital to visit (y/n) for a few hours before my date. I didn't inform her of how I was going to kill Misa. I didn't even tell her about our date.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now