💀Work Hours💀

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It's been a few days sense I joined forces with light and ryuk. Now that I can see ryuk, class is far more entertaining. Its funny to watch him bug light all day, though I wonder how light manages to focus with ryuk in his hear.

After school I went home with light again. On the way there we stopped and got ryuk some more apples. I swear he has an addiction to them. When we arrived at lights house, we went straight to his room, wasting no time.

Light hacked into his dad's computer to see how close they were getting to catching him, well us. Meanwhile I turned of the tv to see if there was anything on the news.

Ryuk was sitting on the bed, eating his apples. "Find anything interesting?" He asked, biting an apple. "Nope, same old , same old just reports of who died." I sighed. I was expecting more then just a few reports.

"Hmm~" Light was thinking, staring at the computer. "Well, isn't that interesting, they're already beginning to suspect a student. " he leaned back in his chair. My heart dropped. Would this mean were done for? My deadly thoughts returned to me.

Ryuk laughed. "Well guess that means your in trouble." Ryuk grinned. Of course none of this meant anything to him. He's just here for entertainment. Light started thinking out loud.

" ... After writing the cause of death, details should be written within the next 45 seconds. In other words, if I write heart attacks as the cause of death, then I should be able to include a time of death afterwords, right ryuk?" Ryuk nodded. "Looks like I'll be able to provide you with more entertainment then. "

I just realized how smart light really is. I was just about to give up and he already had a backup plan. I was now able to relax, knowing were safe, for now atleast.

Light wrote tons of names of people to fall dead tomorrow. It was weird to think, while were at school having a good time, people all over would be dying by the hour.

💀time skip, next day after school💀

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💀time skip, next day after school💀

Me and light agreed to meet up again in a few days. Fine with me. Ryuk gives me the creeps from time to time.  I was walking home when I got the sudden feeling I was being watched.

I hate the feeling. I was too scared to turn around and see if anyone was there. If there was someone, I wouldn't want to lead them to my house. I changed direction and headed for a nearby store instead.

There was definitely someone following me. I could feel it. I don't to be scared. And I don't them to follow me home after I leave the store either. I put together all the courage I had, and turned around. "WILL YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME NOW ITS ANNOYING AND CREEPY" of course there was no response, not like I expected one.

I think I surprised them as it seemed they left. And with that I continued my trip home, proud of myself for standing up to a stalker.

💀Light POV 💀

I was walking home when ryuk starting getting annoying. "Light, you gotta second?" "I already told you ryuk, you can't talk to me in public, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"In that case, I'll talk you just listen."
Here we go, I really dont feel like having him talk my hear off right now.  " First of all I dont have anything against you, I actually think the notebook couldn't have been picked up by a better person. I'm here cuz I have to stick around till the deathnote is finished, or I see you die, which ever happens first."

"But make no mistake light, I'm not on your side or L's  side. " I turn to glance at him for quick second, "yeah well I knew that much I already." I said turning back.

"You'll never hear me say anything about weather what your doing is right or wrong, I'm not here to support you or give you my opinion , I'm just a spectator. But as your room mate I might have a few things to say every now and then. " he seemed to be talking forever.

So I asked him annoyed ,"what's this all about, ryuk, why are you telling me all this?"  "Its just that I'm no ally of yours or Kira's if you prefer, the only reason I'm telling you this is cuz personally, it's starting to creep me out." I laughed. A shinigami? Creeped out?

I told him to hurry and get to the point. He just laughed and whispered I  my hear, as if anyone can hear him anyway, "you're being followed by another human and hes watching you right now" I paused, before continuing to walk.

" I realize he can't see me, but because I'm always walking behind you where ever you go, I feel like I'm being watched." Ryuk admitted.

💀 another long one see ya next chapter!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now