💀I'm Not Ready💀

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💀I like the nightcore version more than the original 🤷🏾‍♀️💀

💀Light POV💀

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I could barley get any sleep last night, I was too busy worrying about Y/n. I didn't want to believe or accept what day it was. I just wanted to go back in time, do things over, differently. But that was impossible so I got out of bed and got dressed.

Today was Monday and it'd be the day I skip my college classes as well.

I quickly took a shower and refreshed myself before getting dressed. I prepared myself as if I had a date with Y/n. I put on the same shirt Y/n told me was her favorite to see me in. I combed my hair just the way she liked, which didn't involve any gel but instead my conditioner. She told me earlier into our relationship, how much she liked the smell.

I let out a shaky breath as I checked myself in the mirror. I couldn't hold back the tear that rolled down my cheek when I tried to force a smile. I seemed to be crying a lot lately, but each tear was for her.

It was only 7am but I wanted to be the first one to see Y/n. Though I knew it was unlikely, I wanted to see if I could possible speak to her before.

I asked Ryuk to stay in my room, he's seen me cry enough. And I don't need to hear his laugh when Y/n is being ripped away from me.

Once I arrived at the police station, I walked in and calmly asked to see Y/n.

"I'm sorry but with them preparing for her execution I can't allow her to ave any visitors." the desk lady said.

"I understand but I just want to speak to her one last time, I haven't spoke to her since she was taken in. "

"I'm sorry but I can't it's against protocol. In case you try to break her out."

I sighed in defeat. I knew if I tried anything they wouldn't allow me to attend her execution and I couldn't risk that.

Soon enough it was time to say my silent goodbye.

I still couldn't bring myself to come with the terms of what was happening. Even as I watched officers walk Y/n to the gallow. I wanted to run to her and tell her how much I loved her, I wanted to shove the men away from her and take her home. I just wanted to watch her shows and movies with her while we eat her favorite snacks. I so desperately wanted to smell her sweet perfume as I laid in her lap. I wanted to feel her soft hands play in my hair.

Even with her standing just a few feet away from me, I missed her dearly. She was right in front of me yet it felt like she was across the country. I felt horrible when I got a glance at her face. She looked so... broken. The bright cheerful eyes I fell for seemed like they never existed when I looked into her dark expression. Her entire bubbly aura was replaced with a dull, depressed one.

I couldn't say I was surprised, no one would be ecstatic while on death row. But it still hurt to see her this way.

💀Your POV💀

The police roughly handled me as they walked me to the gallow they planned on killing me with. I felt empty knowing this was my end. I was of course scared of what comes after death but I was more worried about Light. This would all be for nothing if they still suspected him. I would be able to rest, knowing that he would be okay. I just wanted him to have a chance at a normal, happy life. I don't want him to worry about being a suspect, all i want him to worry abot it what he wants for dinner.

"Today on April 16, 2021 Y/n L/n will pay for her crimes with her life." A officer spoke in his microphone.

My heart sank in my chest, hearing his words.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now