💀Confirming things💀

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I was a bit bummed that our little moment was over. But oh well, nothing we can do now. THANKS RYUK. I didn't realize I was glaring at him, I only noticed this when he asked, "What, is there something on my face?"

I giggled, "No, your just very handsome, ryuk." I teased. " Why do you have to remind him of his poor looks (y/n)?" Light laughed. "Hey, I'm not that ugly." Ryuk seemed a bit offended. Me and light burst into laughter. This just annoyed ryuk.

Ryuk changed the subject, " So are you two, like dating now or what?" Our laughter stopped. I sat next to light, regaining my poker face. Were we? I mean he did kiss me.

Light responded with, " Hmm.. it seems your right ryuk, I can't plan to kiss her more if shes not my girlfriend." I was surprised, light spoke as if I couldn't hear him. I blushed at the idea of his lips on mine once more.

" Well then, would you like to be my girlfriend, (y/n)? " light confidently asked, as if he already knew my answer. Of course my answer was yes. But I was at lost for words. I wasn't expecting him to bluntly ask me like that.

I didn't know what to say. I mean of course I wouldn't reject him. I didnt realize I was taking so long to respond. "Looks like shes thinking of how to put you down gently." Ryuk laughed.

"Oh? Was I not a good kisser? I thought I was pretty good..." I quickly put an end to those suspicions, " N-No you were great, really, I was just surprised is all!" I blushed when I realized, that I said he was not only good, but a great kisser.

"Haha, well theres your answer light" ryuk looked amused. "Y-yeah..." I felt akward. "Guess that settles it then." Light walked over to his desk, while saying this.

"Looks like I'm not single anymore ryuk. He grinned. Light looked proud of himself, as he leaned back in his chair.

Light was about to begin writing name, when I let out a yawn

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Light was about to begin writing name, when I let out a yawn. " Seems it's about time I head home then" I said with sleepy eyes. Light thought for a moment. " Leaving already? " ryuk asked. "No." Light answered for me.

I was surprised. What? "Huh?" I was taken aback by light's response. " You can sleep here today, I dont see why not. We don't have school tomorrow. "
I thought of where I would sleep, and what our parents would say.

" What would your mom say? What would your excuse be? Where would I sleep? " I went on with several questions. "That's easy, I'll just tell her the truth, your sleepy and dont feel like walking home." Light was cool and collected.

"You can just tell your parents the same thing. As for where you'll be sleeping... her with me of course." My cheeks turned red at the thought.

I simply responded with an okay, and told my parents where I would be staying. They were familiar with the yagami family so they didnt mind it.
Light put on a movie, and turned the lights off. I was sitting at his desk, nervous about sleeping with him.

Light patted a spot next to him on the bed, gesturing for me to lay next to him. When I got up, to join him on the bed, ryuk said, " Hey make sure you keep things pg, don't forget I'm right here" I just laughed at his comment, as for light, he just rolled his eyes.

I didn't even know what movie was on, as soon as my head touched light's pillow, I drifted away. It was so soft, like a cloud.

💀Sweet dreams💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now