💀Dun Dun Dun💀

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I left my house and started my walk to the nearby grocery store. I thought of all the snacks I could buy to watch while I watched my new anime.

💀Mastuda pov 💀

I was at the hotel we always meet Ryuzaki at. I yawned as I was bored out of my mind. There wasn't much going on and we weren't getting anymore leads.

Ryuzaki had his mind set on the idea that Light is Kira. He seriously wouldn't let it go! Not saying that Ryuzaki is wrong or anything because he is  known for his great detective skills. But I just think we need more evidence  before we settle on light.

We might be focused on light while the real Kira is getting away  with his crimes.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Ryuzaki spoke to me.

"Say, Matsuda?"

"Y-yes Ryuzaki?"

"Do you mind running an errand for me?"

"Sure thing! It's boring over her-" I caught myself before I finished my sentence.

"I mean yeah what is it? " I tried to redeem myself.

"I need you to make a run to a cafe for me and get come cake. Make sure it's the one with a strawberry on top. I'll text you the address of the cafe."

"Okay, I'll head out now."

💀Time skip 💀

I hummed as I made my way to the cafe Ryuzaki  requested I get his cake from. This should be easy enough right? Hopefully i pick the right cake. I just have to remember  the one with a strawberry on top.

But wait! What if there is more than one with a strawberry on top and i pick the wrong one?! What if I pick the wrong one and he turns out to be allergic!

I continued to come up with worse case scenarios in my head when I suddenly heard a bang. It sounded like a gunshot. Where was it coming from? I prepared myself to investigate, resting on my gun holster and slowly approached an alley.

💀 your pov 15 minutes ago💀

I really dont feel like walking all the way to the grocery store. It takes too longgggg. I complained, mentally to myself. Maybe theres a shortcut I can take?

I mean i know my way around town well enough to make my own shortcuts right? Yeah I think so! I reassured myself.

While I was walking in search of an shortcut, I suddenly felt as if I was being followed. I couldn't shake the feeling as I kept turning random corners trying to lose whoever it was.

I hadn't realized I turned into an alley until I reached a dead end. That was when whoever was following me finally decided to show themselves.

It was surprisingly a girl?! She had blonde hair and blue-ish brown eyes(her eyes change color in the show so this is what I'm going with)
She wore a black dress that had a short skirt.

"What do you want and why are you following me?" I asked not letting my guard down.

"I want you to stay away from Light!"
The girl yelled at me.

"Huh? Light? Why do you care if I'm with light?" I asked generally confused.

"Because he's  not yours!"

Her statement made me want to laugh.

"Not mine? Is that really what you just said? Look I dont know who you are neither do I care,  sorry to break it to you sweet heart  but..." I walked closer to the girl and whispered in her ear.

"Light is  mine. And he loves me so get over it. Go fangirl over someone else."

If there was anything I hated it was light's  fangirls they were annoying and clingy. Plus they always come at me because I caught his attention and they didnt. It's not like i would just go around bragging that I'm  dating him but i wasn't afraid to piss off one of his fangirls by doing so.

"Shut up!" The girl yelled.

"Or wh-" I didnt get to finish my sentence as everything went in slow motion.

All I saw was her grinning when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down to see my shirt slowly staining in red.

"What?" Was all I had time to utter before I fell to the floor passing out.

💀 Back to Matsuda 💀

I turned into alley to find a girl lying on the ground. She appeared to be passed out. I walked over and came to realize it was no other than (y/n)? Oh my gosh.

"(Y/n)!" I called out to the girl as I started running to her in panic and fear.

"Please be okay! Answer! Hello? (Y/n)?!"

No response

I looked over her body and saw that she was bleeding.

"Oh no, what happened..." I mumbled.
I decided not to touch her wound so I wouldn't make things worse and rushed her to a hospital.

I can find out who is responsible for this later, right now I need to make sure (y/n) is okay.

💀ok I might update tmr but ima go to sleep so see ya! 💀

Also we had a guest appearance from our favorite annoying blond! (I'm not against blonds btw)

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now