💀We meet again... L💀

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After hanging out with Light and Ryuk for awhile, I headed back home to an unhappy Rem.  I decided just to ignore them and go to bed. Light said he had something planned for tommorow. I'm sure it wasn't a date though, it was more than likely something related to Kira.

💀Time Skip💀

I woke up, showered ,got dressed and waited for Light to pick me up sense he said we would be having breakfast together. Rem and I havent spoke sense before I left to see Light.

It wasn't long before Light arrived. It was awkward when he made eye contact with Rem. They just glared at each other and you could feel the tension. Feeling uneasy, I rushed Light out the door and we were off. 

Light and I walked hand in hand to a nearby breakfast diner(Ihop, Dennys, whatever you want). I was excited. Though I knew it wasn't a date, it sure felt like one. Especially sense Ryuk was surprisingly... quiet? Seriously! I barely noticed his presence. 

"Come on, how long is this going to take? Were getting to the part when following you is boring." Ryuk complained. 

...I spoke too soon. I'm not bothered at all though, it wouldn't be Ryuk is he didn't complain. 

"No on said you have to follow us." Light said sarcastically. 

Laughing, I said, "Just be patient Ryuk, and I promise I'll get you an apple." 

Almost instantly, Ryuk zipped his lips. I was sure he was still complaining  in his head though. 

When we made it to the diner, Light got us a table and we sat down. I felt relaxed. I missed these peaceful little moments with Light. I don't know who said it, but they weren't kidding when they said it's the little moments that count. I could stay here, like this, with Light and Ryuk forever. But of course, that's not possible. 

Instead of the traditional, sitting across from each other, Light and I sat shoulder to shoulder. I ordered my favorite thing for breakfast and waited patiently. I couldn't stop smiling. 

"You seem cheerful today." Light spoke in a teasing tone. 

"Yeah! The day barley started and It's already awesome!" 

I was happy but there was still one negative part of me, in the back of my head thinking,"I just hope the day stays like this." I don't think there's much that could ruin my mood today, but you never know what surprises being "Kira" has for you. 

As soon as our food came, I dug right in. The bacon smelt AMAZING and I loved how soft my pancakes(or crunchy waffles) were. I ate with a huge smile on my face. I was on a different planet while I ate until I heard snickering. And it wasn't Ryuk's. I looked to my right to see Light struggling to hide a laugh. 

"Whats so funny?" I didn't realize I still had food in my mouth until I heard how muffled my voice was. Embarrassed by my "poor table manners" I swallowed whatever I was eating whole. Meanwhile Light just watched smiling.

"I'm glad you like it but take your time-" Light chuckled, cutting himself off. "Your foods not going anywhere." 

His statement made my blush. As embarrassed as i was, I couldn't say he was wrong. I ate as if I've been starving. Getting over my embarrassment I giggled at my self. While I distracted, too busy laughing, I suddenly saw Light's hand in the corner of my eye. Surprised, I immediately froze. Light just smiled, and brushed his thumb on my cheek. 

I looked at my boyfriend in confusion. 

"You had syrup on your face, pig." 

And with those words, all my embarrassment came striking back in an instant. Oh gosh how is he still with me? I always end up doing something dumb around him. I rolled my eyes to myself and looked over to Light. Making eye contact, he licked the syrup from his thumb. 

"W-What the hell?!" I couldn't help but slightly yell. That earned me a few glares from the diner's staff. 

"Your a pig, but you taste sweet." 

I knew what Light was trying to do and I wasn't going to let him. He teased me all the time, payback time. 

"Uh- yeah thats not me your tasting, that's the syrup." I smirked, knowing I was being a smart ass. 

Light just laughed, not mad at all. "Fine, you got me. That was a good one." He accepted his defeat and I just smiled to myself in victory. 

"We should get going, we still have stuff to do." 

💀Time Skip💀

Before we continued with Light's plan, we stopped at the grocery store to get apples for Ryuk. Not that it mattered, he couldn't eat them right now if he wanted. I just didn't forget to buy them..... and I wanted to tease Ryuk a bit. 

"Hey! I know what your doing (y/n)! That's not fair! I sat quiet while you love birds had your little date. And Light's right you know! You really do eat like an animal! I'm not even human and I have more decency than you!" Ryuk had a small rant.

" You're right Ryuk, but guess what?"


I grinned and bit into an apple I just bought. "I can eat apples when and wherever I want." 

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?! Those are MY apples! I didn't say you could have any!" 

It was easy to get under Ryuk's skin. 

"I paid for them, so deal with it." 

Light was quiet, probably in thought like usual. Noticing this, I gave him a little shove, catching his attention. 

"Hey, lighten up! What's got you so deep in thought?" 

"(Y/n)... as much as I'd like to play fight with you, we have serious things to get done today. And I have to make sure everything is planned out. we can't afford to make any mistakes."

"Yeah I get it, just don't stress out okay? I'm always here to help if you." i gave him a reassuring smile and grabbed his hand. He returned the gesture and held my hand firmly. 

💀Time Skip💀

I wasn't really sure what Light had planned and just went with it. I was expecting us to go to his  house and think of our plan. I slowly started to notice I was wrong as we got closer to our destination.  Light's house was far from where we were at. 

"Were here." Light's words pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up at this strange building, I've never been to. "Where exactly are we?" 

"Were going to meet with L." 

My face immediately dropped in disappointment.  

"Great." I said sarcastically.

I knew today was going too good.  

💀uhhh there is no meme...💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now