💀A concerned fiance 💀

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After losing our stalkers, I had the rest of the day to spend with light. I was excited, we finally got to hang out like normal friends, of course ryuk was there too. I didn't really mind, in my eyes he was a friend, or atleast an ally. Though, I would be lying if I said, I didn't miss life without the deathnote.

I miss just going places and having fun with light and sayu. She became my friend soon after I met her. Shes a really nice girl, with a good sense of humor too! Me and light decided to take a quick trip, to get ice cream before going home.

Even if it was short, I was happy to be with him. Lately he seems to be more of a coworker, then a friend. I really don't want this Kira stuff getting between us, but it seems it already has.

After recieving our ice cream, we said our goodbyes and headed home. Light said we would meet up tomorrow, and walk to the police station, to try and get some information.

💀The next day 💀

I waited for light outside his house. He told his mom that he could drop off his dad's lunch for her, saying that he could go for a walk. Ryuk laughed at how easy it was for light to lie. I was used to it by now, he lied a lot to continue this deathnote stuff. It made me wonder if he lies to me because of it.

While we were walking, ryuk seemed quite bored. I can't say I blame him, theres not much happening today. I smiled and reached in my bag to reveal an apple.

Ryuks eyes brightened at the sight. He was practically drooling. I laughed, " Now you have something to look forward too." He nodded. After that he didn't look as gloomy as before.

When we approached the police station, I noticed a lady trying to get a hold of the task force. I wonder why? Could it have to do with the Kira case? Who am I kidding, of course it did.
Both me and light toned into her conversation, as she had caught our attention.

" Can't you contact them some how? I have information relating to the Kira investigation." The woman begged. What did she know? I dont even care, we have to get rid of her and fast. I looked over to light and he nodded. I think he got my hint.

Light walked up to the desk acting natural. I just followed behind to see how he would handle the situation. I always found this part interesting, to see light solve problems that seemed like a big deal to me, so easily as if they were minor issues to him.

"Hi, I'm light yagami, I brought my father his lunch, but it doesn't seem hes in, can I leave it here?" Light asked casually.

The worker responded, " Oh haven't seen you in awhile light. And whose this here with you? A girlfriend maybe?"

Light was taken aback at the man's words. I just looked the other way, hiding my red cheeks. "U-uh no-no shes just a friend." Light stuttered. I never seem him act this way before. It was kinda cute to see someone who was usually serious, react in such a way.

" Oh sorry, I just figured sense I never hear your father talk about you having friends over." The worker explained himself. He tried to change the subject, "So light, does this mean you'll help us with the Kira investigation? Your help was greatly appreciated in the murder investigation." (💀I dont remember what it was called💀)

At the mention of light helping in past cases, the women's attention went over to light. Good, maybe we can trick her into telling us what she knows. She has to think light can be trusted after hearing about him helping officers.

I dont know if she would trust me though. Maybe light can tell her I'm trust worthy or something. But I'm not sure if she would trust me based on that alone. I was deep into thought, thinking of how I could approach her.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now