💀Liar 💀

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💀Light Pov💀 

"It's about Rem."

Y/n's face dropped at my words. I knew she wouldn't be happy about this. I'm just not ready to see exactly how she'll react and what she'll say. But I have to get this over with. 

"What about them? They haven't even been around so I don't think there should be any problem." 

"Look, I don't want to argue Y/n. I hate our arguments but I have to let you know how I feel. Communication is key remember? So can you just hear me out?" 


"I've finally figured out how we can kill L. I think we can use Rem's love for you to our advantage. As you already know, Rem can see everyone's name with their eyes. So, if we can get Rem to write L's name, that should handle it. And Rem won't say no because they want you happy, and will practically do anything for you to be happy. The only thing is they might die because it might be considered an act of love. I honestly don't even know how they're still alive now because I'm certain they have feelings for you..." 

"They're still alive because they love me as a friend. They're not in  love with me. And even if they are, we're not sacrificing Rem for our own benefit. I refuse to use my friend like that." 

" I understand that you care for Rem and you've become friends but can't you see? This is our ultimate opportunity! We can finally get L out of the way and bring justice to this rotten world!"

"Yeah well I don't care about being a god or bringing justice. I'm not killing Rem." 

"You won't be killing Rem, it'll be more of Rem killing them self." 

"Is that supposed to be any better?" 

"Trust me, Y/n. Rem won't mind dying if it's for you." 

"It doesn't matter because I mind!" 

"Well-" I was cut off. 

"He's right, I won't mind. I'd do anything for you, Y/n." 

My eyes widened as I watched Rem suddenly appear. I was shocked and my calm manner was broken. How long has it been there?!

"Rem I can't let you do that. " 

"It's a good plan, so-" 

"We're just gonna pretend Rem didn't come out of no where?!" I cut off the shinigami. 

Y/n looked at me, widening her eyes as if she just realized the situation. 

"How long were they here?! Did you know about this Y/n?!" 

"What?! No of course not!" 

"Well your sure acting casual like you knew they were there." 

"Because I'm used to them being around here?" 

💀Your POV💀 

Light looked at me in disbelief. 

"I really didn't know they were here! I didn't know where Rem was but I didn't mind because I had you!" 


Instead of responding, Light turned to Rem. 

"How long have you been around?" 

"I never left. "

"Oh? So how much did you see Rem?" Light glared at me. 

"I've seen everything from when you two got back together, up until now. But-" 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now