💀 Too Late💀

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The moment I looked at Light, I could immediately see the letters in red above his head. 

That's something I'll have to get used to.  

When he called my name, I was expecting him to be mad. I figured with him being alone with Rem, he would find out what I was up to. I chose to just explain myself before we ended up in yet another disagreement.

But before I could speak up, Light stood up from my couch and ran to me. He pulled me into a strong hug, with his hand on the back of my head and his head buried in the crook of my neck.

He slightly pulled away to question me.

"Where were you?! I was worried all day! Why did you skip class?! Are you okay? Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?!"

I parted my lips to respond, but Light cut me off.

"Actually never mind that! I'm just glad you're alright. But you know... you are going to have to make up for worrying me..." Light smirked.

It was cute to see Light all worked up like this, it wasn't something I'd see everyday. Moments like these, remind me that he loves me, without him having to say it.

"Sure Light, what do you have in mind?" I smiled.

"Oh? Are you really willing to do what I'm thinking? It's pretty detailed." Light raised his eyebrows in a flirty manner.

"Actually never mind. I don't even want to know how kinky your mind is." I laughed.

"Fine... but at least give me a kiss or two."


I kissed Light on each cheek, only for him to look disappointed.

"You know what I meant."

"Well, next time be more specific." I teased.

I smiled at my boyfriend before turning to my best friend.

When we made eye contact, I could see the worried expression on Rem's face. It was as of by just looking at me, they already knew what I had done in my absence. Rem's eyes looked saddened but they're face held a look of disappointment.

Looking at Rem, I could only feel one thing,


I could sense Rem's heart crushing, knowing that I did exactly what they begged me not to.

I gave Rem a weak smile, trying to act normal. Now wouldn't be a good time to raise Light's suspicion. I still need to thoroughly think about what it is that I'm doing. There's no longer any time to waste making mistakes. Now that I've shortened my life,  I'm not sure how much time I have.

Ryuk didn't show any signs of me dying anytime soon so, I'm not too worried. It just feels like everyday counts now.

"Y/n!" Light suddenly yelled, catching my attention.

"Huh?! What is it?"

"I kept calling you!"

"Oh sorry, I was lost in thought."

Light stared at me for a minute, trying to read my facial expression.

"Yeah, I can see that. Everything okay? Is something bothering you?"

Light looked genuinely concerned, and I could understand why, with me being MIA all day.

"Oh no, everything's fine! I just zoned out for a second , that's all." I nervously chuckled.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now