💀Alone in a Alley💀

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💀so uh sense misa wont be in this story I kinda have to emphasize so bare with me💀

Light and me havent talked in a few days. Hes been acting more distant sense we started working with L on the Kira case. I dont know why though. Yeah were in a tough situation now. And we have to be on our tippy toes but I would think that would make him talk to me about plans more, to ensure I dont give us away.

Well I guess this is kinda a good thing. Maybe it means light trust me enough to make my own decisions. I mean I have progressed a lot sense we started all this Kira stuff. Not gonna lie though, being Kira, well associated with kira kinda grew on me.

At first I wasn't so sure I liked the idea of killing people so I would have light do it. But now, I'll write names on my own. Light doesn't even have to tell me. I'll get bored and go to his house just to write names.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not crazy like light. I'm not on that "God of the New World" crap. No, I'm on the "Avenge the Victims" page. I don't think life in prison is punishment enough. Families lose their relatives for the rest of their lives. While criminals can still be visited by family members.

How is that fair? Exactly it's not. Try to prove me wrong. I don't kill any other prisoners. Just the serial killers and murderers. Depending on the case. If I believe they did it for a good reason(not saying murder is acceptable or okay) I leave them to serve their sentence or until light gets to them.

I tried talking him out of killing the other ones but he of course, didn't listen. He wouldn't even hear me out! All he said was,"They should've thought about that before they commited a crime". Atleast he only goes for well known criminals.

That's something I guess. Anyways I'm walking home from school right now. I wore my earbuds while I walked. I was in my own world when I came across an alley way. It was weird for some reason it was dark. It's only 3:00pm so It shouldn't be any where near dark yet.

I stared at the alley debating if I should check it out or not. Of course there was a voice in my head saying no. And that it was dangerous but curiosity got the best of me. I walked in slowly, cautious, watching my surroundings carefully. You know, in case there was a serial killer waiting for their next victim.

I turned the flashlight on my phone on and examined the alley. I came across a book, just laying on the ground. "Hmm.. what's this?" I thought outloud as I reached for the book. The book was (F/c). "Is it what I think it is?" I questioned myself, as I was alone in the alley.

I was a little nervous to read the cover of the book. What if it was a deathnote and I get an evil shinigami? My heart raced in my chest as I turned the book to read the cover.
It said "Dear Diary".

"Phew" I relaxed and exhaled. "That was close I thought it was a-" I was cut off. But by who? I was alone. The voice came from behind me, which frightened me even more. "Deathnote?" The voice asked. Their voice was calm and collected. I didn't sense danger from them. That didn't make me put my guard down though.

I slowly turned around to see...

💀Ima little late but as promised a update every weekend! See ya next week!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now