💀Should've been Me 💀

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💀Light Pov💀

"Finally." I breathed out as I finished paper work assigned to me by the task force. I still wasn't done yet,I still have to head home and study for school.

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to relieve my stress. I would much rather be with (y/n) right now. I felt bad for leaving her, but she understands. I'm  sure she'll  forgive me. That's what I love most about her is her ability to just listen and understand me. She doesnt judge, she's  always there for me.

Thinking of (y/n) only made me miss her more. I sighed as I collected my things and headed home.

"Jeez what's wrong with you?" Ryuk's  voice startled me. I forgot he was there since I was lost in thought.

"It's  nothing, I just have a lot to get done."

"Not that I'm concerned or anything, but it's  not very entertaining to watch you mope around all day."

I chuckled, unlocking the door to my house.

"Why dont you go eat some apples then?"

"I like the way you think Light." And with that he dashed to the kitchen.

I was home alone. I went striaght to my room and got out my books. Right when I was about to get started, I got a call. It was from a random number, but I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Yes, is this Mr. Light Yagami?"

What does she want? I didnt recognize the female voice. Gosh I hope it's not another fan girl I dont want to have to change my number again.

"This is him."

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it seems your friend was shot and rushed to the hospital."

"Friend? What friend?"

"Uh.. I believe  she goes by the name of...(y/n)?"

My heart sunk. I stopped what I was doing almost instantly. I was frozen in shock. She... was shot? By who?! What for?!  I dont care. I need to go see her. I'll  kill whoever did this, I swear. I balled my fist in anger.

"Mr. Yagami? Are you still there?"

I forgot I was on the phone in the first place.  I didnt care about whatever this lady had to say. I had to hurry and get to (y/n).

"Yes, sorry about that. What hospital  is she in?"

"Palms" (idk any hospital names and I just saw a palm tree so.. yeah)

"I understand thank you."

I hung up before she could say anything else. I quickly grabbed my jacked and ran out the door.

"RYUK I'M LEAVING!"  I yelled rushing out the door. I dont think he cared though, he was too busy eating apples.

💀10 minutes later💀

Out of breath, I slammed the hospital door open.

"Where... where... is (y/n)?" I spoke between breaths.

People turned and looked at me in disbelief.

"Excuse me sir, you can't  just bust in here like that."

"I don't  give a damn! I need to see her now!" I didn't  mean to be rude but I have time for this.

Startled, the nurse showed me to
(y/n)'s room after I showed her my ID.

"Thank you." I said.

The nurse nodded and went back to work.

I hesitated to open the door when my hand reached for the handle. I realized the lady on the phone never said where or how many times (y/n) was shot. I didn't know how bad it was.

I took a breath and opened the door. Only to find my girlfriend  giggling with...Matsuda? What is he doing here? I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight.

She was too busy laughing to even notice me. I closed the door and leaned on the wall.

"Ahem" I put my hand to face, faking a  cough.

"Oh Light!" Finally noticing my presence, my girlfriend greeted me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I walked to the opposite side of the bed, across from Mastuda.

"I'm  doing okay. You should know I'm too tuff to be put down by one little shot."

While we were talking, Mastuda mumbled something about getting snacks and left.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"That's not what I heard, apparently you passed out? Hmm.." I teased.

"Psh... whatever." (Y/n) smirked.

I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

💀small time skip 💀

By time (y/n) finished filling me in, Matsuda had come back.

"Hey guys."

I glared daggers at him. I was thankful someone was there to save (y/n), but it should've been me. If only I hadn't left her, none of this would've happened. I blamed myself. I wasn't taking my anger out on Matsuda, but all he had to do was bring her to the hospital.

He didnt have to get all friendly with her. He's  lucky our relationship is a secret otherwise I'd  make out with
(y/n) right here and now.

I stayed quiet and watched the two interact for a bit. (Y/n) was laughing more than normal... I don't like it. And Matsuda... matsuda... he's  too friendly.

"I'll leave you two alone then." I growled and headed for the door.

"I'll  be back (y/n), I promise."

I turned and walked out of the hospital.

💀Your POV 💀

I could tell Light was upset but I wasn't sure why. There was nothing to be mad about so whatever. I decided to ignore it and enjoy my time with Mastuda.


Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now