💀Sweet Home Alabama💀

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💀your pov 💀

I finally got released from the hospital and I was more than ready to leave. I couldn't stop smiling at the idea of laying in my bed and taking a hot shower. I was gathering my things while Light was talking with my nurses. I told him a million times that I was fine and ready to go home but he, of course, had to double check.

"Okay just making sure, I wouldn't put it past (y/n) to try and sneak out of here. haha."

I rolled my eyes, hearing my boyfriend talk. I changed out of the hospital gown and back into my normal clothes. Light brought me all these new outfits so I didn't have to wear my bloodly shirt again. I was thankful that he thought of me but the clothes were expensive! A shirt and pants alone were $80. I don't know if that's just me being cheap but thats a lot.

"Ready to go?" Light leaned on the door.


I grabbed the bags of clothes and followed Light to the elevator. Once we got out of the hospital, Light stopped and turned around to face me.


Light walked up to me and hugged me tightly. He rested his head on top of mine and gently rubbed my back.

"I just missed you is all."

I hugged him back and laugh.

"What do you mean? It's not like you didn't see me."

"I know but I'm glad I can finally take you home..."

He backed up slightly, still holding me.

"And cuddle with you."

Light kissed my forehead.

"Your stupid." I laughed.

💀time skip💀

"Ugh, I didn't realize how far the hospital was from my house! Are we almost there?!" I complained as I slowed down my pace.

"We still have another mile to go."

"What?!" I breathed out.

I dropped my bags and sat down on the curb.

"I give up, you can go home without me."

Light chuckled and reached his hand out to me.

"Come on, I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"What? No it's okay, I can walk. I don't think-"

I was cut off by Light lifting me into arms, bridal style.

"Wait Light!"

"It's fine, just hold the bags."

I felt guilty for having him hold me like this. The longer I was in his arms the more I freaked out. What if I'm too heavy? This is embarrassing.

"Can I just walk? I won't complain anymore."


"Come onnnnn Light just let me down. "

"Not happening."

I could tell he wasn't going to let me win this one so I just thought of the most comfortable way for him to carry me.

"Fine. Can you at least give me a piggyback ride instead?"

Light sighed, and let me down gently.

"If it matters that much to you.."

Light bent down and put his arms behind his back.

"Get on."

I hesitantly, climbed on his back. Light slowly stood up and grabbed onto my legs while I wrapped my arms around his neck. I let the bags hang from my hand lazily on Light's chest. I rested my head on his shoulder and relaxed.


"Don't mention it."

💀At your house💀

I put away the new clothes Light gave me while he finished up dinner.

"Hey Light?"

I walked to the kitchen and leaned on the counter to watch him cook. Light hummed to show I had his attention.

"When did you get me all of those clothes? I thought you were too busy to go shopping. I mean with helping your dad and L with the Kira case and all."

"Yeah about that... I took a day off to go to the mall."

"Really? I don't see you as the type to like shopping. Did you go alone?"

"No, I've been meaning to tell you about that."

I watched Light plate our food and place it on the table. He poured (favorite drink) into our cups and gestured for me to join him at the table.

I sat down and smiled at the plate. Light said that he wanted to make me my favorite food to welcome me home. With him coming over so often, Light practically lived here. He even had clothes in the guest room.

"So, what happened?" I asked, taking a bite.

"Misa, the girl that attacked you, is dead."

My eyes lit up in excitement. I couldn't wait to hear how he did it.

💀One Badass Story Later💀

"And I blew up the joint."

"Wow, haha that's awesome Light! How did you get her to come with you?"

Light swallowed harshly, like he was preparing to tell me someone I actually care about died.

"I told her it was a date."

He watched my reaction carefully as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh that makes sense."

"Your not mad? Or jealous?" Light seemed surprised.

"No why would I be? I'm sure you didn't enjoy it and it wasn't real so.."

Light looked disappointed. As if he wanted me to be jealous or show some kind of reaction.

💀Next Morning💀

After eating breakfast, Light and I headed off to our college. Afterwards we planned to meet up with L and the gang again. Light explained that while I was in the hospital, he wrote in my deathnote for me. He didn't want L to suspect me if the second kira took a break. Which makes sense, that would make it all to easy to catch me. And I'm sure they would question me to find out who the orginal Kira is. Light would be a main suspect, not like he isn't currently.

Light walked me to my first class, holding my hand on the way.

"Don't lose focus, I know it'll be hard to catch up because you've been absent but-"

I shut him up with a kiss.

"I got this Light, don't worry."

Light grinned and left to his class.

💀ngl I'm getting excited to see ur reactions with the upcoming chapters 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now