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💀Rem POV 💀

It's starting to get dark outside, I believe it's around the time (Y/n) comes home. I've had all day to sit around and think about her. From the outside, one would think that my life is boring, but it doesn't bother me . I quite like my time here in the human world with (y/n).

I was floating around in the house when I heard the jingle of the door knob. That must mean (Y/n) is back. I hope we can relax and watch shows again, maybe play our games too. I rushed to the door saying, "(Y/n)! Welcome back, do you want to-" I cut myself off when I saw the only person I feel hatred towards.

"Oh hey Rem! We're back and we brought snacks!" (y/n) cheered.

"Yeah so what movie do you guys wanna watch?" Light spoke while he walked over to the couch.

I watched as he sat in my spot, next to (y/n). I kept my lips sealed and hovered behind them.

"I got you more chips and chocolate Rem."

"Oh... Thank you.." I mumbled.

My eyes never left (y/n) as she made herself comfortable, leaning on Light's shoulder. He flicked through different movies with one hand and had the other on (Y/n)'s shoulder. The sight enraged me. This was supposed to be my time with (y/n), alone. I waited all day for her return, only for her to bring back this... nuisance.

She barely notices me when he's around, that's a problem.....

She barely notices me when he's around, that's a problem

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💀Your POV 💀

"So what did you do today Rem?"

I waited a minute for a response that never came. When I turned to look where Rem once stood(or floated), they weren't there. Where did they go? They disappeared so quickly. Rem never leaves, so where could they have gone?

"Hey did you see where Rem went?"

"Hm? No I wasn't paying attention to them."


Light looked at me with his normal grin.

"But that means I have you all to myself now."

"Yeah I guess, I thought Rem liked watching movies with me though... I hope I didn't bore them yesterday.."

Light lifted my chin, forcing me to make eye contact.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they just had to run an errand. Besides, there's never a dull moment with you.."

At the end of his sentence, Light gave me a reassuring kiss.

💀Rem POV 💀

I sat on the roof of the house, deathnote in hand. I could feel my eyes glow in anger as I traced my pen over the page.

"(Y/n)... you were meant to be with me.... not him. "

💀yeah idk if I'm sticking to quiet background Rem anymore. I like jealous Rem a lot more...💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now