💀 Comfortable Silence 💀

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💀Your POV💀

After clearing things up, Light walked me home. Light said all was forgiven but I still felt guilty. Luckily I was able subside the feeling by talking with him. I convinced him into staying the night and we made dinner together. It was as if nothing ever happened. We were back to our usual selves with Light's teasing and Ryuk's laughs, I felt at home. I was happy.

Rem was a no show last night, thankfully.

I don't think it would be best for Light to see them right now. Not this soon. I don't really know where Rem goes when they disappear but I'm sure they're not far. As Light and I ate dinner, we watched a movie on the couch. When we finished, he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

We just laid there, enjoying each other's company. I smiled as I looked up at my boyfriend.

"I love you." I whispered, feeling myself doze off.

"I love you too Y/n." Light smiled before kissing my forehead.

💀Morning (still ur pov) 💀

My eyes softly fluttered open as I let out a yawn. I slowly sat up and stretched. I smiled looking to my left, to see Light still asleep. I watched his chest slowly raise and lower as he calmly slept. I brushed my hand through his soft, brown locks, not being able to resist.

With one last glance at Light, I got up and went to my bathroom to freshen up. I dragged my sleepy body to the mirror. I splashed water on my face in attempt to wake up. After drying my face, I brushed my teeth and continued with my daily routine.

While I was looking at my reflection, I noticed a tall figure emerging from behind me. I let out a small giggle, feeling Light's arms wrap around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Well, good morning." I said.

"Mhm.." Light hummed, burying his face into my neck.

I could tell he was still sleepy just by the way he carried himself.

"You... left me..." Light's words brushed against my neck as he spoke.

"Yeah, well I didn't want to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully.

"Because you were there. But you left." Light growled the end of his sentence.

"Well what else was I supposed to do?" I giggle turning to face him.

"Lay with me."

I only smiled in response.

"What's up with you? You're never like this."

"Y/n.." His voice grew serious.


"I missed you."

I was surprised to hear him confess that, but it brought a smile to my face.

"I.. missed you too."

Light stood up, releasing me.

"Let's go get breakfast."

💀Time skip 💀

Light held my hand while he lead the way. Before we left, we both got dressed for school. I couldn't help but smile the entire walk to breakfast. I was so happy to be with Light again. But that smile quickly faded once I realized where he was taking me.

I don't know why I was surprised, we always come here. Light walked me to our usual breakfast diner. I wasn't disappointed but I was nervous. Last time we were here was when we had our... disagreement.

The building itself was a constant reminder. It surprised me to see that Light wasn't at all bothered by it. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing...

My heart dropped when Light pulled me through the door.

"Okay, what do you want? Your usual (favorite breakfast)?"

"Huh? Oh yeah that! You already know haha.."

Light raised an eyebrow at me before turning to place our order.

I felt uncomfortable but I didn't want to mess this up.

Once the cashier gave Light our number card, he walked me to our favorite table. It was in the back of the diner. It was a red and black "booth" that had a window beside it.

"Hey you okay?" Light asked looking up at me.

I didn't notice that he sat down, sense I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I say, sitting down.


💀Time skip to when u get ur food cuzzzz idk what to have u do mean time💀

Once the waitress placed down out food, I felt a little more at ease. When Light and I were waiting it was a constant pattern in our conversation. Light would try to say something casual like, "Do you want to do something after school?" and I would have a surprised response. There were a lot of "uh"s and "um"s before Light gave up.

I was too distracted by my anxiety to hold a conversation. I kept thinking of our past argument. I expected Light to stand up and yell at me at any moment, but he never did. I waited for him to mention Rem, but he didn't.

It was weird. Light wasn't at all himself today. He smiled more and looked at me differently. It wasn't a bad look, there was just this sparkle in his eyes. Not saying he was an normally unhappy person, but today he looked like he couldn't stop smiling.

Not once did his smile leave his face. And it wasn't his usual smirk or grin either. It was a genuine smile. I liked this side of him. It made my heart race in my chest with excitement. But I couldn't fully enjoy it, due to my worries.

Light wasted no time eating his food, while I only stared at my own. The most I did was play with it, using my fork. It didn't take Light long to notice. He paused and looked at me, questioningly.

"Aren't you hungry, Y/n?"

"Huh? oh yeah. Haha sorry.."

I forked some of the food and placed it in my mouth. I tried to fake a smile, but Light was able to see through it.

"Y/n... What's bothering you? You've been acting off sense we got here."

"It's nothing."

"Look, if you're gonna try to lie, do it to someone that doesn't know you like I do."

I didn't know how to respond so I kept quiet.

"Sigh... If you're thinking about the last time we were here, forget about it."

"But how can I? I regret what I said so much..."

"Y/n stop beating yourself up about the past. We can't change it so there's nothing you can do. There's no point in wasting your time, thinking about what you could've, should've done. I already told you, I forgive you, I'm over it. And you should get over it too."

I looked him dead in the eye, seeing how serious he was.

"It's not going to happen again, I promise." Light said grabbing my hand.

"We've already learned to hear each other out and discuss our problems. Communication is key, and we have it so stop worrying. Now eat before your food gets cold."

Light's words lifted a bit of weight off my shoulders. I decided that he was right, I should move on from it. There's no relationship that hasn't had at least one argument so we should be fine. I smiled and quietly ate my food.

We fell into a silence but this time it was comfortable.

"Thanks Light."

💀I was going to make this a long chapter but I decided against it so I'll split it into two chapters. I'll be updating the next one soon. 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now