💀Date Week💀

765 26 17

💀Your POV💀 

I woke up, feeling excited about the day ahead of me. Last night I wrote a weeks worth of names so I could relax with Light. I was excited to tell him that we could spend more time together. I figured it would be nice to have a break form the deathnote.  I needed it after staying up so late, with thoughts of L. 

After I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I walked into the living room. I ate breakfast, with a smile going ear to ear. I couldn't help but daydream about all this free time, I suddenly had. I purposely planned this on a time we would be off of school so that we could have the full day. 

"Morning, Y/n." Rem smiled. 

"Oh! Morning Rem! How are you feeling?" 

"Better now, thank you." 

"I'm just glad you're okay." I smiled. 

💀Time Skip💀 

"But shouldn't we be more worried about beating L, rather than laying around?" Light asked. 

We were on my bed, laying on our backs and facing he ceiling as we spoke. I had just told Light about my idea to relax this week. 

I sat up only to throw a leg across Light. I sat just slightly below his waist line. I ran my hands up his chest and to his neck. I leaned down, quickly kissing his jawline, before whispering. 

💀Light POV💀 

I watched Y/n climb on top of me, holding back my grin. I loved the sight, I've visualized it in my head so many times but nothing beat the real thing. A chill ran down my body as she ran her hands up my body, before whispering in my ear. 

"Oh Light, we won't be laying around." 

I was surprised to see this side of Y/n, but I wasn't complaining. 

"But that deathn-" 

"I already have all of that handled, so you can just sit back and relax." 

"And enjoy the ride?" I smirked. 

"No! Haha I think you misunderstood." 

Y/n smiled, leaning into a kiss. 

"We're going to live a normal life, as a normal couple, for a normal week." 

She lifted herself up, still sitting on me. 

"Y/n, I'm sorry... I really am but you know I can't give that to you." I said, sitting up on my elbows, looking up to her. 

 I frowned, feeling guilty once again for dragging her into my Kira stuff. 

Y/n held my face as she kissed my forehead. 

"You don't have to." She said, running a finger through my hair. 

"You just have to play along." 

I found it difficult to deny her while she wore such a sweet smile. She deserved this, especially after all the stress I've caused her with putting the pressure of L on her. 

"You know... you really should restrain from being cute AND straddling my lap at the same time. I'll only be able to hold back for so long." 

Y/n laughed, getting off of me. 

"So, is that a yes?" 

"Mhm" I nodded, leaning in to steal another kiss. 

Y/n got off the bed, making her way to the kitchen. I followed close behind her as she started washing dishes.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now