💀Soon, Ryuk, Soon💀

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💀just so theres no confusion were in ur pov💀

I didn't even have to explain myself, Light could already guess that I brought Rem with me. I mean he couldn't see Rem! I didnt see the problem!... well until now. I don't realize what I was doing wasn't fair to Light.

I feel horrible. After all the lies and secrets I don't know why Light's still with me. I wish I could take it all back. I sigh while lost into thought. Meanwhile Light still sat there, smirking, plotting.

💀Light Pov💀

Once I had my plan thought out, I had to hold myself back. No, I can't laugh now, if I do theres no doubt (y/n) will catch on. All I need is an excuse to leave here and I can get started.

💀Back to youuuu~💀

As I fell into a never ending loop of guilt, I heard Light's raspy voice.

"I think I should go, I have so-" he cut himself off with a....cough? "Sorry, as I was saying, I have some stuff I have to get done."

"Oh.. okay." I was kinda sad to see him go but I dont blame him.

As I watch him stand up, I spoke up.
"Light... I'm so sorry." My head hung low in disappointment with myself. Why do I always mess things up? Uhhh I hate myself sometimes!

Light walked over to me, leaned down , and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't be hard on yourself, I forgive you. " Light said this knowing I would over think it. Though his words gave me some sense of comfort.

"Come on Ryuk."

Light left my apartment, leaving me alone with Rem.

"I'm sorry, am I causing trouble for you (y/n)?" Rem asked me, face blank.

"No, you didnt do anything wrong Rem." I gave him a reassuring smile and decided to relax with a hot shower.

💀With Light 💀

Once I was out, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was laughing non stop. It was that kind of laugh that makes your stomach hurt a bit, but I couldn't stop. When I finally pulled myself together, I turned to Ryuk, still grinning.

"L will soon die

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"L will soon die..."

Ryuk gave me a "no duh" look.

"Yeah, that's been the plan this whole time!" He said sarcastically.

"... and Rem with him."

Ryuk's face brightened at this and all he said was, "The show never gets boring"

Ryuk and I walked to my house, both smiling widely, as I told him the plan.

"So when do you think this plan of yours will fall into play?"

I laughed, "Soon, Ryuk, Soon."

💀 I got class but expect another chapter later 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now