💀Let Me...💀

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💀Your POV💀

Tears ran down my cheeks as I sat in the back of the police car. It pained me to see the looks of hurt and confusion on Light. My chest ached when I saw Rem's look of disappointment, betrayal. I felt horrible for lying to them, which is why I kept apologizing to Light. I felt guilty for getting him all excited even though I was fully aware that the police were on their way. I wanted to warn him, but I couldn't. I know if I did he wouldn't have accepted this. The only way to get him to let me go was to catch him by surprise. I knew Light wouldn't be able to do or say anything to stop me if the cops were already there.

As for Rem... there aren't enough words to describe how I felt when we made eye contact. I hated that I didn't get a chance to talk to them one last time before the cops arrested me. I wanted to have a chance to explain things, why I'm doing what I'm doing. To get Rem to understand that I don't want to disappoint them. Which is all I've done so far. I wanted to scream how much I loved the shinigami when I saw them... but I had no choice but to stay silent. All I could do in acknowledgement to Rem, was give them a smile before being shoved into this box of a car.

I stayed silent the entire ride to the police station, I had nothing to say. All I could do was sit back, and think about everything I had done. I thought about everything my life had come to. I thought about my fondest memories, most of which consisted of Light and Rem. I thought back to all my pillow fights with Light, when I blasted country music, and our date week. I treasured that time with Light dearly. I loved being able to see him so often, even though I knew this was to come when that ended.

I thought back to my time with Rem, remembering the time we first met, our midnight games, and all the times Rem was there for me. I very much appreciated that I always had Rem's shoulder to cry on. Rem was always there to lift my spirits and give me good advice. Rem truly is my best friend. There's no one that deserves that title more.

Though me being arrested can't be counted as a good thing, I hold no regrets. Everything is going just how I wanted it to. I wanted Light to see his rival's downfall, I wanted Rem to live, and most of all, I wanted to make them happy. Sure, right now they aren't, but soon enough they will be. I'm quite happy with myself for doing this all successfully, but it still hurts. Because with everything going according to plan... I know what's next.

Once I was placed in my cell, I sat down against a wall and continued to be silent. Not a sound could be heard from my direction other than my shaky breathing and occasional sobs. I was sure that soon enough Light would learn that I turned myself in, he should be able to tell why. I did it so that he wouldn't at all be suspected. This would all be for nothing if they accused Light.

💀Rem POV💀

After taking a moment to take in everything that was happening, I rushed after the police car and followed them to wherever they were taking Y/n. I couldn't allow them to take her away from me, I still had so much to say to her, to do with her. I needed an explanation. I expected this all to happen, but not this soon. I needed to know why she rushed all of this. Why she was doing everything I pleaded her not to.

I was fully aware that I wouldn't get that explanation if she was in the hands of the police. I knew that she wouldn't be able to talk to me, while under surveillance. She would look like a crazy person, if she was to be caught talking to herself. I wasn't sure what to do once I caught up with the car, but I knew that I had to be there with her.

Even if she was unable to give me the answers I wanted.

Once I caught up with the car, I flew above it. I followed the car to the police station and waited for them to leave Y/n alone. I waited patiently for her to be placed in a cell before approaching her.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now