💀Shoko Maki 💀

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The woman claimed her name to be "shoko maki" I didn't believe it.  Ryuk confirmed my suspicions as he laughed while she explained how to write it.  I gotta hand it to her, shes smart. I didn't want light to waste his time, writing a fake name. I tried my best to hint at him that it was fake. I joined the conversation," Is that a nickname, your friends gave you? " I added a laugh. " I didn't know my pet name was so common."

The so called "shoko " looked surprised as if she forgot I was there, or that I caught her fake name. I think light caught on as he said, " Oh i didn't even realize" and smiled. The woman had. a confused look on her face. I hope that little hint was enough to make Light forget about earlier.

She laughed. Fake. That was so obviously fake, it insulted me, to think she thought that would fool me. "I guess so" she said.  Light tried to get her to spill what she knew. "I believe  Kira can control his victims before they die."

I took this chance to try and redeem myself, " Yeah! I think your right, light! The detectives said they believe that he was trying to show what he could do"

Skoko  got excited. "Its odd that you two, would say that cuz that's EXACTLY what I've been thinking!" She jumped up. " I think theres more to it, if I'm correct, kira can kill in a number of ways."

H-How did she find out?! What gave us away? Light remained calm, either that or he was really good at keeping a poker face. " I dont think the police know this yet, that's why I wanted to tell them." I honestly was surprised that she opened up so easily. 

Before she seemed like a clam. But now she wont stop talking! Way to go light! The woman continued to explain her theory, "I think someone I know may have met Kira." She explained that her fiance was one of the detectives assigned to spy on suspects.

Wait, was he one of our stalkers?  I kind of feel bad for her. All her husband was doing was his job, I began to feel guilt. Based on light's face, he realized that we killed her fiance too.

She went on but I lost interest. I took out the apple in my bag to tease ryuk. I was bored ok? Dont judge me. It seemed to work cuz ryuk was getting angry because he knew he couldn't just make an apple disappear out of thin air.

I regret not paying attention, because when I toned back in, light was telling her the he was Kira. This must of meant he got her real name. I wish I knew how. Oh well I'll have him tell me later.

He showed me the paper, from the book that he always carried with him. I could see that he wrote for her to hang herself. I didn't see how this would be believable, I mean what reason would she have to be suicidal?

The woman had a look in her eyes. It was as if her eyes lost all the life in them. It  must be time...

Light smiled and walked away

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Light smiled and walked away. I wanted to follow him but I was scared to see if he was mad with me. But I have no choice. I looked back at the woman, before following light, she was already on her trip to death.

When I caught up with light, he stopped. Oh no, here it comes. I could sense his anger, a mile away. He turned to face me. I never seen him so mad.  All he said was, " we need to talk, once were alone..." that can't be good. I sighed, "okay.." and the rest of the walk to light's house was silent, all except Ryuk's laughing.

💀see ya next chapter 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now